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第28 卷 第2 期 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 Vol. 28 No.2
2016 年2 月 Journal of Computer-Aided Design Computer Graphics Feb. 2016
章夏芬, 刘佳岩
(上海海事大学信息工程学院 上海 201306)
: 笔画承载着书法字区别于打印体的重要信息, 是书法字识别、书法风格分类和作品真伪鉴别的基础. 但书法
笔画粗细多变, 有交叉、有变形、有粘连, 尚未有实用的书法笔画提取方法. 为此, 提出用爬虫法提取书法字笔画的
方法: 先用细化算法得到一个像素点宽的书法字骨架; 然后使用爬虫根据书写规则探测路径, 遇交叉处时派生多个
侦探爬虫探测并选择正确路径; 再将骨架笔画路径用 8 链码表示走势, 并计算笔画类型; 根据笔画类型及相交位置
计算笔画相交类型, 再根据相交类型计算交叉区域笔画轮廓的划分方式, 将交叉区作为共享区分配给不同的轮廓笔
画; 最后补全轮廓线得到书写时的笔画原貌. 实验结果表明, 该方法对篆书、隶书、楷书的笔画提取是有效的, 能为
:书法字; 书写规则; 笔画爬虫; 笔画提取
Extracting Chinese Calligraphy Strokes Using Stroke Crawler
Zhang Xiafen and Liu Jiayan
(College of Information Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306)
Abstract: Calligraphy strokes bear the writing emotions, which distinguish them from printed characters.
They are the basic elements for calligraphic character recognition, style classification and writer identifica-
tion. However due to the complexity of these strokes, there has not been a practical way to extract them yet.
This paper presents a new method to extract individual calligraphy strokes. First, one-pixel wide skeletons of
a calligraphic character are computed by the corrosion. Then, stroke crawlers walk along these skeletons to
obtain the moving trajectory. When meeting a cross, agent crawlers are sent to explore the potential right
ways according to the writing rules. After an individual stroke is obtained, its trajectory is coded using
8-directional chain code and used to compute stroke type. Accordi