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北师语言学真题回 忆版.doc

2009年以前考试 04年语言学试卷 Define the following terms:20 points 1)?langue 2)?parole 3)?allophone 4)?semantic field 5)?cohesion 2.Try to identify the possible paradigmatic relation between any items in the following poem by Lu Xun 10points 岂有豪情似旧时? 花开花落两由之。 何期泪洒江南雨, 又为斯民哭健儿! 3.Give some lexical items to illustrate social dialects. Try to explain their connotations.20 points 4. What can this rule mean in English grammar? 10 points {D}---[-id]/[t]--- 5. Define the following sounds in terms of articulatory features10 points 6.Try to tell some of the similarities and differences between English and Chinese nominal constructions. Supply some examples.10 points 7.We can use the pattern “it is ……”to emphasize any part of a sentence except the predicate. What can we do if we must emphasize it ? Please give examples to highlight your emphasis of any part of this sentence :15points I bought a book in the city yesterday. 8. Try to discuss as many as possible the design features of human language.15 points 9. Observe the following sentences:?? 老王找到老张,才找到他的儿子。 老王找到老张,才找到他自己的儿子。 老王找到老张,才找到自己的儿子。 老王找到老张,才找到儿子。 Which sentence is clear in its meaning? Which one is unclear? Try to explain why. Point out some features of the Chinese language.10points 10.Discuss the following 2 sentences, and tell why we can assign different values to the year of fifteen:10 points She is already fifteen, and yet she is crying over such a small thing. She has done it very well; She is only fifteen, you know. 11.What can linguistics do for language learning and teaching? (10 points) 12.Determiner Phrase (DP) is the name newly given to the NP in generative grammar. A DP can be a form like? ? ? ?? ? 1)a book; 2)the book; 3)books; 4)the book.? ? This name may be better than the old name of NP in that it reminds us of sth when we (Chinese speakers) learn or teach English. Do you agree to this? Try to tell anything significant here. (10 points) 09年语言学试题 define the following phon


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