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学号级 学号密级 分类号 本科毕业论文(美术学) 浅析夏俊娜油画的表现艺术 院(系)名称 艺术学院美术系 专业名称 美术学 年 级 2010级 学生姓名 张英 指导教师 苏万循 2014年4月17日 浅析夏俊娜油画的表现艺术 摘要 在中国,20世纪的社会改革使妇女得到了解放,女性走出了家庭,改变了以前那种 “围着锅台转”的依附地位,得到了独立,渐渐地也融入到了社会其他各个领域。在绘 画这个艺术舞台上,女性艺术家也逐渐崭露头角,渐渐地成为九十年代以来屮国艺术家 这一群体中的重要组成部分。其中靠着自己的艺术天赋和不懈的努力,在当代艺术道路 上坚持探索的青年女画家夏俊娜更是受得大家的关注与欣赏。毕业于中央美术学院油画 系第四両室1995届的夏俊娜非常具有潜力,绘画作品也颇受欢迎,她的作品両一幅卖 一幅,凭借大家的喜爱,夏俊娜很快被人们耳熟能详,成为了当代青年画家中最有作为 的代表。下而我就带领大家来共同了解一下这位伟大的当代女艺术家一一夏俊娜。 关键词 现当代女性艺术家,女性视角,情感表现,夏俊娜,艺术风格 Xia Junna is analysed the performance of the oil painting art Author: Zhangying Tutor: Suwanxun ABSTRACT: In China,in the 20th century social reform gives women’s liberation,women out of the family,changed the attachment,that the kitchen turn” status,got the independence,gradually into the social and other fields,too. In the painting art stage, female artists also gradually emerged, gradually become a Chinese artist since the ninety s an important part of this group. Among them by their artistic talent and unremitting efforts, in the contemporary art road adhere to explore the young female painter Xia Junna by more attention and appreciation. Graduated from oil painting department of the central academy of fine arts studio Xia Junna very has the potential of the class of 1995, 4 paintings are also popular,draw a picture to sell her works,with everyone’s favorite, Xia Junna soon be familiar,became the most as a representative of the contemporary young artists. Let me guide you to learn about the great contemporary female artist - Xia Junna. KEY WORDS: Modern and contemporary female artists, Female perspective, Emotional performance Xia Junna, artistic style 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z @ i仑 (5) HYPERLINK \l bookmark9 \o Current Document \h —、夏俊娜简介 (6) HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document \h 二、夏俊娜的创作 (7) (一) 、主题选择 (7) (二) 、夏俊娜的色彩艺术 (8) (三) 、夏俊娜巧妙的造型艺术 (9) HYPERLINK \l bookmark11 \o Current Document \h 结论 (11) HYPERLINK \l bookmark12 \o Current Document \h 致谢 (12) HYPERLINK \l bookmark13 \


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