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浅析城市发展低碳旅游发展模式 ---以重庆市市民强化旅游环保意识为例 随着全球气候变化的加剧,环境与经济发展之间的矛盾日益突出,低碳经 济已成为社会发展的必然趋势。在低碳经济的背景下,低碳旅游发展已成为一种 必然要求。本文介绍了低碳旅游的内涵,对城市发展低碳旅游的模式进行了研究, 并以重庆市作为案例,进行了分析。因此,改变旅游生活和消费模式,传统方式 发展低碳旅游是环境系统维护其自身调节功能和生态环境保护,义务和责任,也 是旅游者责无旁贷。本文介绍了低碳旅游在重庆的现状,重庆低碳旅游发展中存 在的问题,对发展低碳旅游、低碳旅游发展的一些对策的意义。在应对全球气候 变化的背景下,低碳旅游己成为世界城市建设和发展的主要趋势。本文阐述了低 碳旅游的内涵,对中国的低碳生态城市建设发展的必要性,低碳旅游面临在重庆 市发展中存在的问题,并提出了低碳旅游发展的对策和建议来解决这些问题。(行 距及问题已修改) 关键词:低碳旅游;旅游发展;重庆市 Abstract: with the intensification of global climate change, the contradiction between environment and economic development is increasingly prominent, low carbon economy has become the inevitable trend of social development. In the context of a low carbon economy, low carbon tourism development has become an inevitable requirement. Therefore, change the life and consumption patterns, the traditional way, is to safeguard its own functions and ecological environment protection and development of tourism environment system of low carbon tourism, obligations and responsibilities, but also tourists be one’s unshirkable responsibility. This paper introduces the connotation of low carbon tourism, current situation of low carbon Tourism in Chongqing, the existence of Chongqing low carbon tourism development issues, to the development of low carbon tourism, low carbon tourism development some countermeasures significance. In the context of coping with global climate change,low carbon tourism has become the main trend of the world city construction and development. This paper expounds the connotation of low carbon tourism, the necessity of developing ecological city construction of low carbon to China,low carbon tourism is facing in the development in Chongqing City, and put forward a low carbon Tourism Development Countermeasures and suggestions to solve these problems. Keywords: low carbon Tourism; tourism development; Chongqing City 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 前 3 1. 1本选题的意义 3 1.2因内外发展简况 3 1国外研宂现状 3 2国内研宂现状 4 1.3本文研究|人』容 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document


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