Lesson7-议论文介绍段+图表作文句型 - 副本.pdf

Lesson7-议论文介绍段+图表作文句型 - 副本.pdf

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如何让议论文介绍段简洁明了 • Discuss both views and give your opinion. • 背景句+引出争论 • AB观点之间共同的部分 • 解释名词/ 陈述事实/描述趋势 • 有人认为玩电脑游戏对孩子在方方面面都 有坏处,而有的人认为这些游戏对孩子的 发展有好处。 • Many children, especially boys, spend a lot of time playing computer games. There have been debates as to the effects of these games on the young players. • 有人认为孩子应该去上寄宿学校,而有的 人认为走读学校对孩子更好。 • At a certain age, almost every child needs to go to school for education. There have been debates among parents about whether they should send their child to a boarding school or a day school. • Some people think that parents should give children many rules to restrict their behaviour, while others believe that children should be given freedom to do whatever they want. • Parenting plays a critically important role in shaping children’s behaviour. There have been/There are many debates on whether parents should give their children more freedom or restriction. • 有人认为博物馆应该以教育为主,而另一 些人认为博物馆应该是一个娱乐的地方。 • 如果实在找不到AB共同点,那你可以试着 把其中一个观点当做事实写出来,从而引 出争论。 • Most museums serve an educational purpose, showing visitors a wide range of items. However, there are many debates about whether museums should be entertaining or educational. • 有人认为人们应该帮助社区里的穷人,而 另一些人则认为人们应该把钱捐给慈善机 构。 • A large number of people actively engage in activities helping those who live in poverty and other forms of troubles. There have been debates about how people should offer their help and support. • 有人认为分班教育好,有人认为孩子应该 被一起教。 • It is undeniable that learning abilities vary greatly from student to student./……that there are huge differences between students in terms of their learning abilities. There have been conflicting views about whether students with different abilities should be taught together or separately. • 注意:介词about后面只能连接名词短语或 者完整疑问句。 • Report/Two Questions • 改写原题+


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