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國立屏東大學中國語文學系碩士班 碩 士 論 文 王昌 齡邊塞詩研究 指導教授:劉明宗 博士 研 究 生:陳耕僕 撰 中 華民 國 一零四 年 二月 王昌齡邊塞詩研究 摘要 唐代文學的代表是詩歌,而「邊塞詩」更是在唐代詩歌史上留有璀璨的一頁, 其中以盛唐邊塞詩最為蓬勃發展,以高適、岑參、王昌齡等詩人為代表的邊塞詩 派。王昌齡是盛唐時期留名詩壇的邊塞詩人,因走訪、漫遊於河北、河東、河西、 隴右等邊塞地區,故有深刻的了解與深切的體驗,其詩作不僅充分表現「愛國情 操」、「邊塞生活」與「人道精神」以及「邊塞思鄉」四個面向外,還保留了漢 魏時期邊塞詩的傳統,更是繼承了建安風骨,並在傳統與風骨上結合、創新,不 但將「盛唐氣象」發揮的淋漓盡致,也善用自己的詩歌創作與時代精神揉合實踐 並豐富之,這不但加深詩歌新格局,更對後世意義深遠,影響甚深。本篇論文〈王 昌齡邊塞詩研究〉希望能在前人的研究基礎上,加以補充、歸納,期以突破,使 王昌齡邊塞詩能有更完整的呈現。 關鍵詞: 王昌齡、邊塞詩、邊塞詩派、盛唐氣象 I Wang Changling Frontier Fortress research Summary On behalf of the Tang Dynasty literature is poetry, The Frontier Poems is left bright page in the history of the Tang Dynasty poetry, Among the Frontier Poems of the most booming , With high fitness, Cen Shen, Wang Changling and other poets represented Frontier Fortress faction. Wang Changling is the poetry of the Tang Dynasty frontier fortress of unnamed people, because visits, roaming in Hebei, east, west, Longyou and other frontier areas, it has a profound understanding and deep experience, not only the full performance of his poems, patriotism, external frontier life and humanity and four for frontier homesickness, also retains the Han, Wei period traditional frontier fortress, it is inherited JianAn, combined with the strength of character in the tradition, innovation, not only will Flourishing play the most, but also make good use of his poetry and the spirit of the times and a rich blend of practice, which will not only deepen the new pattern of poetry, but for future generations far-reaching and profound impact. This p


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