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题目:跨国并购的风险分析及对策 跨国并购的风睑分析及对策 [ ]在经济全球化、全球大统一市场形成的趋势下,为加强企业的国际竞争力,推行全 球经营战略,跨国公司在全球范岡掀起了一场规模宏大的并购浪潮。随着屮国企业的不断壮 大,中国也慢慢地卷入跨国并购的浪潮之中。中国企业跨国并购虽具有一定规模,但仍处于 初级阶段,严重缺乏相关并购经验,因而对屮W企业跨U丼购的各种风险进行分析、提出企 业跨同井购风险防范的再体措施是非常宥必耍的。 [关键字]跨岡并购缋效分析会计研究法风险分析 Analysis and countermeasures of risks of cross-border mergers and acquisitions [Abstract] Under the trend of economic globalization and the global unified market,multinational companies set off a huge and far-reaching wave of mergers and acquisitions around the world to strengthen international competition position and implement global business strategy.With the continuous growth of Chinese enterprises,China has been involved in the cross-border mergers. Chinese investment pattern already developed a certain scale, but it is still in primary stage and seriously lack of related experience. Therefore, it is necessary for Chinese enterprises to analyze the possible risks of cross-border mergers and acquisitions program and to put forward a suitable specific measure to hedge the risks. [Key word] cross-border mergers and acquisitions performance analysis accounting method risk analysis 目录 第一章跨国并购的风险概述 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z HYPERLINK \l "bookmark6" \o "Current Document" \h 1.1跨w并购的现状 1 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark7" \o "Current Document" \h 1.2跨鬧并购的风险类型 2 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark8" \o "Current Document" \h 第二章跨国并购的风险分析 4 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark9" \o "Current Document" \h 2.1管理风险分析 4 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark10" \o "Current Document" \h 2.2金融财务风险分析 6 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark11" \o "Current Document" \h 2.3支付风险分析 6 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark12" \o "Current Document" \h 2.4杠杆收购的偿债风险分析 8 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark13" \o "Current Document" \h 2.5法律政治风险分析 9 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark14" \o "Current Document" \h 2.6整合风险分析 9 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark15" \o "Current Document" \h 第三章跨W并购风险的对策 9 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark16" \o "Current Document" \h 3.1管理风险的对策 9 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark17" \o "Current Document" \h 3.2融资风险的对策 12 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark18" \o "Current Docum


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