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V ol N o Chinese Journal of Engineering Design A ug doi issn X j M A T LAB A B m s r min m m A NSYS LSDYNA A B N N N A B N m N m N m S A X Design and experiment of cricket s incisor lobe inspired stubble cutting blade with drag reduction JIA N G Rui C H EN Yang Y U Chengx in WA NG Xiaof ei Z H U De uan q School of Engineering Anhui Ag ricultural U niversity Hefei China School of Biological and Environmental Engineering Hefei U niversity Hef ei China Abstract In order to reduce the pow er consumption of the corn stubble returning machine tw o bionic stubble cutting blades that utilize the cricket s incisor lobe as biological prototy pe w ere de sig ned T he contour f eatures of cricket s incisor lobe outline w ere ex tracted by using M A T LAB and the excellent characteristic of drag reduction w as analyzed T he contour f eatures of cricket s incisor lobe outline w ere subsequently applied to the desig n of the bionic blade A Considering the processing difficulty and econo mic co st a simplified quadratic f eatured contour w as used f or the desig n of the bionic blade B U nder the same w orking parameters speed w as m s knif e roller speed w as r min and tillage depth w as m m the load conditions of the tw o bionic blades as w ell as the original blade w ere analyzed and co mpared through the A N SYS LS DY NA sim ula tion and the f ield test T he simulation result s indicated tha


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