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Y公司供应商选择与评价分析毕业论文 毕业论文 (2010届) Y公司供应商选择与评价分析 摘 要 近年来,以出口为主的休闲用品生产企业间的竞争日益加剧,这使得企业意识到要想在休闲用品行业上立足并且盈利,就必须更加关注自身的产品质量和成本的控制。因此,企业必须加强其对供应商选择的管理,供应商提供的原料的好坏直接影响到最终产品的质量、价格和交货能力。 本文主要从供应商选择指标及方法等相关理论着手,通过对临亚休闲用品有限公司实地调研,对其经营状况、采购部组织结构、现有供应商选择的流程以及供应商选择的方法进行分析,发现其在供应商选择中存在许多的不足,主要有采购人员的专业化程度低;供应商选择的范围局限;供应商选择流程过于单一;供应商选择方法过于主观,缺少科学的供应商选择方法。然后通过分析存在的问题,提出公司需要加强采购人员的专业水平,扩大供应商选择的范围,优化供应商选择的流程并采用适合公司发展的供应商选择方法。最后利用层次分析法对原材料供应商进行评价选择,为公司选择一个合适的供应商。 关键词:供应商选择;供应商选择流程;供应商选择方法;层次分析法 Abstract In recent years, the competitive between the export-oriented of leisure products’ companies has become more and more severely, which makes companies realize that it is necessary to pay more attention to their own products quality and costs control,if they want to have a foothold in the leisure products industry and make profits. Therefore, enterprises must strengthen its management of supplier selection. Because the suppliers providing raw materials good or bad will have a direct impact on quality, price and delivery of final products. This paper is based on theories of supplier selection and methods and investigates on Linya Leisure Goods Co., Ltd to analyze the enterprise’s operation, Purchasing Department organizational structure, existing supplier selection process and supplier selection methods. By analyzing, the enterprise has many shortcomings in supplier selection, including that the specialization of purchasers are low, the process of supplier selection is too unitary, evaluating and selecting supplier is too subjective and the methods for supplier selection are lack of scientific. Then, according to these shortcomings, it is proposed that the enterprise needs to strengthen the purchasers’ specialization, optimize the process of supplier selection and set up a suitable method of supplier selection. Finally is using the analytic hierarchy process to select and evaluate of raw material suppliers for the enterprise. Keywords: Su



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