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实用标准文案 实用标准文案 精彩文档 精彩文档 玉林师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计) 基于JSP的教学管理系统开发与实现 Implicamention of Teaching Management System with JSP 学 院 数学与信息科学学院 专 业 信息管理与信息系统 学 生 班 级 2008级 姓 名 钟新雪 学 号 200804403138 指导教师单位 数学与信息科学学院 指导教师姓名 龚榆桐 指导教师职称 讲师 基于JSP的教学管理系统开发与实现 信息管理与信息系统2008级 钟新雪 指导老师 龚榆桐 摘要 J2EE技术无疑是当今因特网应用的最佳技术方案之一,围绕J2EE技术的应用性,也产生了大量的Web开发框架、中间层开发框架、数据层开发框架,它们极大地提升了J2EE技术的易用性.本文描述了J2EE的相关技术,比如Servlet,JSP,Struts,Hibernate等,并用这些技术完成一个基于Web的教学管理系统. 本文介绍了在myeclipse9.0环境下采用MVC开发模式开发一个教务管理系统的过程.文章介绍了教务管理信息系统的系统分析部分,包括需求分析和安全性分析;系统设计部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数据库设计及代码设计;系统实现与测试部分说明了几个主要模块的算法,本系统界面友好,操作简单,比较实用 关键词: Servlet,JSP,Struts,Hibernate,MVC,教学管理系统 Implicamention of Teaching Management System with JSP Imformation management and Imformation System 2008 Zhong Xinxue Supervisor Gong Yutong Abstract There is no doubt that J2EE technology is one of the best methods of todays Internet applications, around the J2EE technology application,a large number of Web development framework, middle layer development framework and date layer development framework turn out which greatly enhance the J2EE technology Ease of use. This text described the technology relate to J2EE,such as Servlet,JSP,Struts,Hibernate and so on,then work out a System base on Web use these technology. This article introduced environment uses myeclipse9.0 ;use the MVC “Modle-View-Controller”development-modle to applies the development; the strategy develops a management information system the process.Through analyzes my school to count the branch department the educational administration management insufficiency, founded a set of effective use computer to carry on the educational administration information management the plan.The article introduced the educational administration management information system system analysis part, including feasibility analysis, data flow analysis and demand analysis and so on; The system design part mainly introduced the system function design and the database design and


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