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电商行业股权结构与公司绩效之间的关系分析 实用标准文案 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 精彩文档 电商行业股权结构与公司绩效的关系分析 上海大学 东方贱人 摘要:本文以2012-2014年沪深两地电商行业上市公司为研究样本,借鉴国内外学者的研究结果,并根据股权结构与企业绩效的基本参考模型,提出猜想、建立模型、收集数据,探究电商行业股权结构和企业绩效之间存在的联系。结果发现:在控制其他条件不变的情况下,股权相对集中能使企业绩效得到提升;国家持股比例和企业绩效无相关性;法人持股比例和企业绩效为倒U型关系;流通A股比例和企业绩效为负相关。这些结论体现出我国电商行业股权结构的近况,有助于电商行业的上市公司认识到公司股权结构的短处与未来发展方向,针对性的提出优化股权结构的方案,提高股东的利益,促进中国经济的发展。 关键词:股权结构;公司绩效;电子商务 Analysis on the relationship between ownership structure and corporate performance in the electricity suppliers industry Abstract: This paper uses the samples of Shenzhen and Shanghai listed firms during 2012~2014,To explore the influence of the relationship between ownership structure and corporate performance , which by referring to the research results of scholars at home and abroad and according to the basic model of ownership structure and corporate performance, putting forward a hypothesis, building the model and collecting the relevant data. The results show that the higher the proportion of the top five shareholders, the higher the companys performance under the condition of constant control the other;the relative concentration of ownership can improve the performance of the company;there is no significant correlation between the proportion of state-owned shares and corporate performance;the proportion of corporate shares to the company performance is inverted U;the proportion of tradable A shares is negatively correlated with the performance of the company.This result reflects the current status of the ownership structure of Chinas electricity suppliers industry,it’s helpful to the listed companies of electricity suppliers industry understand the weakness of ownership structure and the development direction, proposed targeted scheme of improve ownership structure, Improve the interests of shareholders,to promote the development of Chinas economy. Key Words: ownership structure;corporate performance;e-business 引言 这些年来,企业的管理结构问题引起了越来越多学者和企业的关注,而且学者们也一直在寻找最优的


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