外研版八上《Module 8 Unit 3 Language in use》.ppt

外研版八上《Module 8 Unit 3 Language in use》.ppt

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Around town Module 8 Unit 3 Language in use 我们可以用介词表达方位,常用的 表达方位的介词有: on the left/right 在左/右边 next to 与……紧挨着 opposite 在……的对面 on the corner of 在……拐角处 between…and 在……和……之间 请看下面的例句: The bank is next to the market. 银行就在市场的旁边。 The supermarket is opposite the restaurant. 超市在饭店的对面。 The bookstore is between the cinema and the hotel. 书店在电影院和旅馆之间。 Go along the street until you get to the bookstore.Our school is on the right. 沿着这条街走下去,一直走到书店, 我们的学校就在右边。 问路时常用以下句型: 1. How can I get to…? 2. Can/Could you tell me the way to …, please? 3. Where is …? 4. Which is the way to …, please? 5. Is there a … near here? 6. Do you know the way to …, please? 7. I want to go to …. Do you know the way? 8. I’m looking for …. Can you tell me where it is? 课堂小测验 Individual activity __ _______ _____ (一直向前走) and you can find Tian’anmen Square. 2. Look! Buckingham?Palace is ____ ____ (在那边). 3. After the hard tour, we all felt ____ __ (有点) tired. Ⅰ. 根据所给汉语完成下列各句。 Go straight ahead over there kind of 4. Yang Yifei is sitting __ ___ _____ (在……中心)of the classroom. 5. Yuying Middle School is __ ___ ____ ___ __(在……对面)the post office. 6. My friend will ___ __(上)the plane at 8 am at Baiyun Airport. in the middle on the other side of get on Could you buy something eating for me? 2. Let’s meet in the corner of Yingze Dajie and Jiefang Road. 3. The library is opposite of the school. 4. The children are swimming through the Yellow River. 5. Could you tell me how they can get to home? Ⅱ. 下面每个句子中有一处错误,请找出来 并加以改正。 eating → to eat in the corner of → on / at the corner of through → across 去掉of get to home → get home to, short, this, Sydney, welcome, tour, of (.) 2. London, the, one, places, Eye, the, is, city’s, of, highest (.) Ⅲ. 把下面的单词连成完整的句子。 Welcome to this short tour of Sydney. The London Eye is one of the city’s hi


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