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林 业 科 学 研 究 2008, 2 1 ( 1) : 110 ~113 F ores t R esea rch   文章编号 : 100 11498 (2008) 0 1011004 一种复合菌剂的培养保存与土壤接种试验 1 2 1 吴 明 , 邱晓力 , 蒋科毅 ( 1. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所 ,浙江 富阳 3 11400; 2. 浙江省微生物研究所 ,浙江 杭州 3 100 12) 关键词 :复合菌剂 ;保存 ;土壤接种 中图分类号 : S7 18. 8 文献标识码 : A Stud ies on Preserva tion and So il Inocula tion of a K ind of M ixed Bacter ia l M anure 1 2 1 WU M ing , Q IU X iaoli , J IAN G Key i ( 1. R esearch In stitute of Sub trop ical of Forestry, CA F, Fuyang 3 11400 , Zhej iang, Ch ina ; 2. M icrob iology In stitute of Zhej iang Province, H angzhou 3 100 12 , Zhej iang, Ch ina) A b stract:A k ind of m ixed bacterial m anu re wa s p rep ared, wh ich wa s compo sed of fou r bacterium , nam ely, B acillus m eg a therium var. p hosp ha ticum , B. m ucilag inosus, A zorh izobium sp. and cellu lo sedecompo sing m icroorgan ism s. Pre servation exp erim en ts of the m ixed bacterial m anu re were carried ou t under d ifferen t temp eratu re condition s. The re su lts showed that when the temp eratu re wa s 4 , 18 and 28 ℃, the co lony coun ts of each p re served bacterium in crea sed un til 30 days and then almo st all of them began to decline, and the total co lony coun ts of the bacterial m a nu re varied little among 30 days and its grow th cu rve reached a p eak and a valley when the temp eratu re wa s 4 and 38 ℃ re sp ectively. Th is re su lts sugge sted that the bact


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