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摘 摘 要 高等学校肩负着培养21世纪社会发展需要的高层次专门人才和拔尖创新人 才、促进国家科技进步、加强国家高新技术成果转化和产业发展的重大使命和责 任。经过长期发展和积累,高等学校已经形成相当可观的国有资产,这些国有资 产是高校从事教学、科研、生产等各项工作的物质基础。随着市场经济的全面推 进,学校结构的调整和体制改革的深化,合理有效地使用国有资产,实现国有资 产的保值、增值,已成为高等学校国有资产管理的一项新课题。本文从加强我国 高等学校国有资产管理的意义着手,以相关资产和国有资产概念为基础,详细分 析了高等学校国有资产的构成及特点。通过实践与理论的不同角度,阐述了高等 学校国有资产管理的现状,并从管理观念、管理体制、管理制度、管理组织及管 理行为五个方面指出了高等学校目前在国有资产管理方面存在的问题,并以此为 基础立足我国国情,对如何改革高等学校国有资产管理模式展开系统的研究,提 出建议采取的资产管理模式及引入效益评估模型对学校内部资产的管理与使用 进行考核,以期能够为高校国有资产管理作一些理论上的探讨。 关键词: 高等学校 国有资产 资产管理 Abstractuniversities Abstract universities are responsible for the training of specialists and creative talents required by the development ofthe 2lst centnry,for the advancement in the nation’S science and technology and for the reinforcement of the application of high—tech and industrial development.After a long Period of development and accumulation. universities nOW possess substantial national assets Which ale the material foundation for teaching,research and production.Now with the full swing ofthe market eeonomv adjustment of university organization and the further advancement of operation mechanism.efficient utilization of nationaI assets SO as to retain and increase the value of national asSets now has become a new issue worth our attention,Atier an introducfion of the significance of strengthening the university national assets management,a detailed analysis is presented of the constitution and features of the national assets in universities with the related assets and national assets theories as the basis for discussion.The present national assets management in universities iS elaborated in the following from both practical and theoretical perspective.Current problems about the national assets management in universities are pointed out from tire aspects: management conc印ts, management mechanism, management institutions,organization and organizational behavior.On the basis of that.tlle article makes a systematic research on how to reform the management patterns on national assets



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