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摘 要 随着网络的发展,人们越来越喜欢网上购物了。成本低,品种全,并且可以很 方便的在不同的厂家比较,从而买到自己需要的最好的东西。 然而,电子商务中,交易双方可能面临着跨企业,跨平台,跨系统等问题,而 SOAP 协议正好能够解决这个问题,但是将 SOAP 协议应用到电子商务又带来了新的 问题——安全问题。 安全问题是电子商务的生命线,如果不解决安全问题,那么 SOAP 协议将不能 够被应用到电子商务领域。 通过研究传统信息安全基础,Web Service 安全规范,电子商务对安全的特殊要 求,SOAP 协议,以及与 SOAP 协议相关的各规范及协议,提出了一个完整的安全解 决方案,并设计了一个电子商务安全应用模型。 由于 SOAP 消息本身是一个 XML 文档,因此保证 SOAP 消息端到端的安全就是 通过对 XML 文档的控制来实现了,通过借鉴传统的经典安全理论基础,对 SOAP 消息进行加密,签名等各种处理,解决了电子商务安全所要求的机密性、完整性、 身份认证等要求。 根据设计的电子商务安全应用模型,在最后一章通过.NET +WSE 3.0 平台,进行 了电子商务安全应用系统的设计和实现。并通过跟踪消息,证明程序运行完全符合 我们的期望。 关键词:简单对象访问协议,安全,电子商务 Abstract Along with the development of the network, people are more and more preferring online shopping. Low cost, all varieties, and can be very convenient in different manufacturer comparisons, thus can buy the best of things. However, E-commerce, both parties may face the problem of cross-enterprise, cross-platform, cross-system and other issues, and SOAP agreement just can solve this problem, but applying the SOAP agreement on the E-commerce applications will bring new problems - safety problems. Safety is the lifeline of e-commerce, SOAP agreement will not be able to be applied to e-commerce field until its security problems have been solved. Through the research of traditional information security foundation, Web Service safety norms, e-commerce for safety, to meet the special requirements of SOAP agreement, as well as with SOAP agreement relevant specification and agreement, puts forward a complete security solutions, and designs a e-commerce security applications model。 Due to a SOAP message itself is an XML document, thereby guaranteeing a SOAP message end-to-end security is based on XML document control to realize, through reference to traditional classical security theory foundation, to encrypt a SOAP message, signature, etc various processing, solved e-commerce security requirements of confidentiality, integrity, identity authentication and so on request. According to the design of e-commerce security ap


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