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大学毕业论文 论网络信息安全的刑法保护 论网络信息安全的刑法保护 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 论网络信息安全的刑法保护 摘 要 近年来,随着计算机信息技术的不断发展和网络技术的普及,因而涉及到国家安全,社会公众安全和公民个人安全的各个方面的网络信息安全问题成为了各个学科专家纷纷研究的对象。在法学领域中,如何用刑法来保障网络信息安全也是一个重要的课题。故本文就从网络信息安全的概念出发,对此进行了探讨。文章第一部分介绍了网络信息安全的概念及网络信息安全的重要性,还阐述了影响网络信息安全的主要因素,指出网络信息安全的最大隐患是计算机犯罪。第二部分则是介绍美国和日本两国关于网络信息安全犯罪的相关法律规定,同时还介绍了欧洲理事会制定的《网络犯罪公约》中有关的法律规定。以期通过比较我国立法与外国立法的不同,来完善我国的法律建设。第三部分就是介绍目前我国关于网络信息安全的立法现状及其局限。第四部分则是针对我国关于网络信息安全犯罪的相关法律的局限,例如罪名不足等,所提出的建议。 关键词:网络信息安全 计算机犯罪 刑法保护 Abstract With the continuous development of computer information technology and the popularization of network technology, the network information security problems, involving national security, public security and the citizens personal safety, are becoming the object of research in various fields. In the field of law, the way of protecting network information security by criminal law is an important is a hot issue. The paper discusses this question standing the view of the concept of network information security. The first part of the paper introduces the concept and significance of network information security and also expounds the main factors that affect the safety of network information. It points out that the biggest hidden danger of network information safety is computer crime. The second part presents the related laws and regulations of network information crime in the United States and Japan,and the relevant laws and regulations in Cyber-crime Convention made by European Council. In this part, in order to perfect legal construction in our country, by comparing the differences between domestic legislation and foreign legislation. And the third part demonstrates the present situation and the limitations of the network information safetys legislation in our country. And the fourth part concludes the suggestions for the limitations of network information crime, like lack of charges and so on. Key words: network information security computer crime criminal law 目


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