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En i nSTRuCTiOn MAnuAL Cn 使用指南 4 En Cn NESPRESSO, an exclusive system creating the perfect espresso, time after time. All Nespresso machines are equipped with a patented extraction system that guarantees up to 19 bar pressure. Each parameter has been calculated with great precision to ensure that all the aromas from each Grand Cru can be extracted, to give the coffee body and create an exceptionally thick and smooth crema. NESPRESSO, 奈斯派索,制作浓缩咖啡的专业系统。所有的NESPRESSO奈斯派索咖啡机均配备独特的萃取系统,能够产生19 巴的高压。所有参数都经过 精确计算以保证每款优选咖啡的香氛都能充分释放,呈现绝妙的咖啡主体,产生浓厚柔滑的油沫。 COnTE nT / 内容 Caution - When you see this sign, please refer to the safety precautions to avoid possible harm and damage. 注意:出现此标志,请参见“安全指示”以避免可能发生的伤害与损坏。 Information - When you see this sign, please take note of the advice for the correct and safe usage of your coffee machine. 信息:出现此标志,请记录关于正确、安全使用机器的建议。 Overview/ 机器概览 4 Care of the Rapid Cappuccino System (R.C.S.) twice a week/ Safety precautions/ 安全指示 5–6 一周两次保养您的快速卡布奇诺系统 11 First use or after a long period of non-use/ Emptying system before a period of non-use, 长时间不使用之后的第一次使用 7 for frost protection or before a repair/ Coffee preparation/ 咖啡制备 8 请在长时间不使用、预防结霜或维修之前,将机器清空 12 Assembling/Disassembling of the Rapid Cappuccino System (R.C.S)/ Energy saving concept/ 节能概念


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