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建筑与土木工程系 课 程 设 计 课程名称: 建筑结构设计课程设计 指导老师: 李 倩 小组名称: XXXXXXXXXXX 班级名称: 13级土木工程行政一班 组长姓名: XXX (130810XXX) 组员姓名: XXX (130810XXX) XXX (130810XXX) XXX (130810XXX) X X (130810XXX) X (130810XXX) I 摘要 摘要:梁板结构是常见的楼板结构,本次课程设计就是某多层工业厂房楼板设计。设计主要内容 包括结构概况、结构平面布置、板的结构设计、梁的结构设计、框架梁的结构设计、结构施工图 纸的绘制。首先,本设计小组根据设计任务书和相关建筑结构设计规范,确定楼面荷载标准值、 荷载效应基本组合方式,初步确定板厚、板跨度、梁跨度、框架梁跨度、截面尺寸。其次,按照 塑性理论进行板和连续梁设计、按照弹性理论进行框架梁的设计。最后,依据设计成果和规范的 的结构构造要求,结合甲方提供的建筑材料,绘制板、梁、框架梁的结构施工图纸,完成本设计 工作。 关键词:楼板结构;工业厂房;塑性理论;弹性理论;结构设计;施工图纸 Abstract:Beam and slab structure is a common structure of the floorslab,this is acurriculum designofamulti-storey industrialworkshop.Themaincontentofthedesign includes the general situation of the structure ,plane layout of the structure, the floorslab design of the structure, the frame beam structure design of the structure, and the structureconstruction drawingsof the structure.Firstofall, our design team, according to design specification andrelated specifications, determine thebasic load standard values of the floor, the load effect combination, and preliminarily determine the thickness of the floorslab, the span of the floorslab ,the beam and the frame beam and the measurement of those.Secondly, we design floorslab and beam according to the theory of plasticity, we design frame beam according to the elastic theory .Finally, wepaint structure construction drawings of floorslab, beamsand framebeamsaccording to the designs and specification of the structure of demand and the building materials provided by the owner. we complete the design work at this moment. Key Words:The floor str


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