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第 38 卷 第 5 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.38 No.5 2010 年 3 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Mar.1, 2010 福建电网远方不停电修改及核查定值系统的设计 1 2 1 1 1 林传伟 ,卓枕警 ,周 健 ,刘振伟 ,林东岳 (1.福建省电力勘测设计院,福建 福州 350003;2.福建省电力调度通信中心,福建 福州 350003) 摘要:针对不停电修改定值的技术难点,提出具体的解决措施。通过分析福建电网设备现状,对福建电网远方不停电修改及 核查定值系统的几种实现方案进行比较,推荐通过变电站计算机监控系统实现保护远方修改及核查定值。并提出福建电网远 方不停电修改及核查定值系统的主要功能、具体实现流程、设备配置及安全措施等。 关键词:电网;远方;不停电;修改;定值 The design of remote modification and verification system of the setting value without blackout in Fujian power grid 1 2 1 1 1 LIN Chuan-wei , ZHUO Zhen-jing , ZHOU Jian , LIU Zhen-wei , LIN Dong-yue (1. Fujian Electric Power Survey and Design Institute,Fuzhou 350003 ,China ; 2. Fujian Provincial Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center ,Fuzhou 350003 ,China ) Abstract :Aiming at the technical difficulties of modifying setting value without blackout, this paper brings forward detailed solutions. Through analyzing the equipment situation of Fujian power grid, it compares several programs for remote verification and modification of the setting value without blackout, then recommends utilizing substation computer monitoring system to realize remote verifying and modifying setting value. In addition, it introduces main function, detailed process, equipment configuration and security measures of the remote modification and verification system of the setting value. Key words :power grid ;remote ;without blackout ;modify ;setting value 中图分类号:TM76 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1674-3415(2010)05-0107-04 0 引言 1 福建电网远方不停电修改定值建设的必


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