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经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 PAGE 经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业论文 汽车减震器自动生产线-涂料喷涂系统设计 Automobile shock absorber automatic production line ——Coating system design 专业班级:机自0901 学生姓名: 指导教师: 教授 学 院:机械工程学院 2013 年 6 月6日 摘 要 汽车工业作为机械行业中的传统产业,在国家经济发展中起着重要的作用。汽车工业的快速发展对汽车零部件的制造与装配提出了更高的要求。汽车减震器在汽车中起着举足轻重的作用,同时它也是悬挂系统中最精密和复杂的机械件。为了缩短汽车减震器中零部件喷漆过程的时间以及减少对工人的伤害,特引入一非标准自动化设备——喷涂系统装备。 本次设计的题目是汽车减震器自动生产线涂料喷涂系统的设计,主要研究汽车减震器中回转体的喷涂并设计回转体喷涂系统的机械结构。该喷涂系统主要包括零件的喷涂,运送以及烘干等工艺过程。零件喷涂主要设计回转体零件喷漆时的托起旋转机构;零件的运动主要解决零件的间歇运动;零件喷漆后的烘干采用热风烘干。 本论文对汽车减震器零件的喷涂进行了认真细致的研究,研究结果真实可靠,对提高汽车零件加工的效率和改善工人的工作环境有很大的帮助。另外,本设计为小型回转体件喷漆的研究提供了一种参考。 关键字:非标自动化;汽车减震器;喷涂系统;回转体喷涂。 ABSTRACT In the automotive industry, machinery industry as the traditional industries plays an important role in the national economic development. The rapid development of automobile industry auto parts manufacturing and assembly put forward higher requirements. Automobile shock absorber plays an important role in the car, and it is also the most sophisticated and complex piece of machinery in the suspension system. To shorten the automobile shock absorber parts spraying process and reducing the time of injury to workers, a non-standard automation equipment, that is spray system equipment, is introduced in particularly. The subject of this design is automobile shock absorber automatic production line paint spraying system design, the main research is that the design of automotive shock absorbers rotating body spray and a spraying machine for rotator. The spraying system includes parts of spraying, transporting and drying process. The part of rotary part spray paint primarily designed to hold up when rotating mechanism; The part of moving mainly to solve parts of intermittent movement; parts after painting drying use hot air drying. In this thesis, automobile shock absorber parts spraying carried out a careful and meticulous research, the findings is true and reliable .And it is good for works to improving their working environment and impro


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