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四、具体的做法及建议 (一)教育培养目标的定位 (二)培养内容的转变 (三)教学模式的改变 (四)教学方法的改变 (一)职业教育培养目标的定位 专业人才培养目标的定位,德国行之后,我觉得专业定位要从实际出发,不能大而空,也不能好高骛远,从企业行业的需求出发,实实在在的找准定位,然后要统一老师的思想,引导学生树立正确的就业观和职业观,经过三年的培养使其做到热爱专业,热爱劳动,能积极就业。 (二)教育教学内容的转变 在课程设置上,思想不能太狭隘,专业不能越办越窄。我们不是培养专业领域的专家和研究人员,我们是培养职业工人,基层管理人员,因此要加强学生思想品德教育和劳动观念教育,培养学生诚实守信的品德和劳动光荣的意识,注重综合素质和职业能力的培养,要教学生的学习方法,并通过实际训练使学生学会学习,学会生活。 (三)教学模式的改变 经过几年的教学改革,实践课基本能够以操作为主,注重操作能力培养,但是理论课要改。理论课要为专业课服务,要联合专业课进行教学,可以打破课堂的束缚,两个老师一起上课,或者两门甚至几门课程由几个老师共同承担,完成学生某项技能或者某项工作任务的教学训练。基本素质培养课也要加重社会实践和实际训练的比例,改变老师灌输的方式,多让学生体验、参与。 (四)教学方法的改变 如果老师进行单一的灌输式教学,将在评教中予以说明,如果采取放羊式教学,没有教学目标、分解任务、教学方法及检查验收的环节,将在优质课中进行体现。 Messages A large number of people choose Dual VET to gain enter the labor market Dual VET provides one possible track in the vocational training system of Germany, not the only Dual VET leads to employment earlier than higher education Access from Dual VET to Higher Edudation is possible but not shown in this slide (Dual VET in Germany no Dead-end) Messages Slide shows motivations of young people (the why) for choosing Dual VET and how they search for a training place Young people early on get to know and navigate a ?labor market environment“ when seeking a training place Messages Show motivations of enterprises (the why) for training in Dual VET and how they search for a trainee Companies offer VET training places based on their own demand/desire and they have maximum freedom to choose whom to train At the same time, in order to be allowed to train, they need to be officially tested and certified to train (become a ?training company“) Messages Slide show motivations of the government (the why) for supporting training in Dual VET and some measures for doing so Government in Germany is providing formal conditions for Dual VET In this context, the Government provides legal framework for both company and young person to enter, implement and complete VET together (training contracts, etc.) Message


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