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Variations of Idioms P.194(self-study) Chapter 10 English Dictionary Types: 1) Monolingual and bilingual 2) linguistic and encyclopedic Linguistic ones can be either monolingual or bilingual (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) 大英百科全书(20卷), 美国大百科全书(30卷) Characteristics of American and British dictionaries: 按规模还可分为: 1)大型词典(All the words theoretically) 韦氏第三版新国际词典(45万词左右) 2)案头词典(5—15万词) 3) 袖珍词典(5万以下) 4)专用词典 Meaning changes in different ways. Extension the meaning changes from specific to generalized one or cover a broader concept thing-?审判大会、政治会议?any thing Chapter 7 Changes in Word Meaning 2) Specialization/narrowing (缩小) Originally, they mean: garage-?安全的地方 poison-? 饮料 hospital-? 休息娱乐场所 3) Elevation (升格) 贬义/中性义--? 褒义(或高级别) Marshall--?马夫-?元帅 Executive?一般执行者-?行政官员 4) Degradation (降格) 中性/褒义 贬义 Cunning?有学问的--?狡猾的 Sly-? 熟练的-? 偷偷摸摸的;狡猾的 5. Transference(transfer) of Meaning A word used to designate one thing, but later it began to mean something else Paper? papyrus(纸莎草)-?纸 mainly: (1) Associated Transfer tooth, lip, nose can used to refer to things: the lip of a wound, the nose of a plane (2) Transfer between abstract and Concrete Meanings Room-? space-? 房间(concrete) Grasp? 抓-?understand (abstract) (3) Transfer between Subjective and Objective things Dreadful? somethng/sb full of dread? something/sb that causes dread Pitiful (4) synesthesia 联觉 (感官词之间) sweet music, warm colors, clear sounding 6. Euphemism 委婉语 Toilet Restroom, bathroom, John, convenience, washroom, comfort room, powder room, lady’s, gentleman’s, … Die Causes of change: extra-linguistic factors such as historical reason(pen), class reason(revolution, communism.human rights) and psychological reason(garbage collector?sanitation engineer) 2) Linguistic factors (1)Internal factors cause the change gold medal-? gold; light bulb? bulb (2) Influence of alien words Deer?refers to animal, but “animal”from Latin was later introduced into English, so the meaning of deer was narrowed. (3


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