社区警务管理信息系统 毕业论文.doc

社区警务管理信息系统 毕业论文.doc

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经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 摘 要 随着我国人口的快速增长,社区内的人口复杂程度也日益增加,人口的流动也逐渐频繁。过去社区警务办公都依靠人工操作来完成社区居民户籍记录、修改等管理操作,以及出警的记录都要耗费大量时间。通过本系统社区居民可以在线预约服务;警务人员可以方便、灵活地对社区居民户籍信息进行录入、查询、修改和打印报表;同时使警务人员日常办公、出警变得更有效率。 论文主要探讨“社区警务管理系统”的理论基础和设计思想,根据系统的开发过程和系统的功能实现为主线来论述数据库管理软件的开发过程。主要阐述以软件工程理论作为系统开发的理论基础,以客户机/服务器模式的关系型数据库作为后台,以专业数据库开发语言作为实现手段的数据库管理软件的开发过程分析和理论研究。 本系统基于ExtJS技术,以Eclipse系统开发平台为开发工具,通过后台MySQL5.5数据库的建立与设置,软件界面的设计与实现,程序的编写与调试等几个阶段来完成对社区警务管理系统的开发。 关键词:MySQL 5.5 社区警务管理系统 ExtJS ABSTRACT With the rapid growth of our population, community and increasing the population of complexity, the flow of the population are increasingly frequent. The community policing office relies on manual operation to complete the community residents of census register management operations, such as record, modify, and a police record must spend a lot of time. Through this system, community residents can online booking service; Police officers can be convenient, flexible for community residents to the household registration information input, query, modify, and print report; At the same time make the police daily office, a police become more efficient. Paper mainly discusses the theoretical basis of community policing management system and the design idea, according to the system development process and the realization of the function of the system as the main line to illustrate the database management software development process. Paper mainly elaborated on the software engineering theory as the theoretical basis for system development, to the client/server model of relational database as the background, to achieve professional database development language as a means of database management software development process analysis and theoretical research. This system based on ExtJS technique, in Eclipse system development platform for the development tools, through MySQL5.5 backstage database the establishment and set up, at the design and implementation, the writing of the program and debug and so on


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