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[名校联盟]广东省深圳市宝安区海旺中学八年级英语上册《Unit 4 Inventions Inventions Reading 1》课件.ppt

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11. 开始做… start to do… 12 在19世纪早期 in the early 19th century 13. 最重要的3个发明 three of the most important inventions 14. 互相说话 speak to each other 15. 数百万人 millions of people 16. 全世界 across the world 1. 伟大的发明改变了世界,他们帮助人们过生活得更好。 2. 旅途变得更快和更舒服. 3. 几千年前,人们开始在四轮马车上使用轮子了。 4. 在二十世纪初, 汽车变得流行起来 5. 亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔 在1876年发明了最实用的电话之一。 6. 自从那时开始, 人民已经能够跨越很长的距离来彼此交谈。 7. 今天全世界超过几百万的人们拥有手机了。 8. 他们允许人们在任何时间任何地点随时联系彼此。 9. 人们在黑夜做的事情和他们在白天做的事情一样多。 三、完形填空: 1-5 BCCDA 6-10 ABCBB 四、阅读理解 DDDBB * * Period 1 Reading (I) Module 2 Science and technology Oxford English Unit 4 Inventions C1 Find words from the article on page 51 that have similar meanings to the words in italics below. zxXK comfortable century passengers developed daytime 2 Background information What do you know about …? Inventions change our way of life. Look at the photos below. Write the name of each invention in the blanks. zxXK computer light bulb mobile phone paper telephone train wheel 7 How do these inventions help us in our daily lives? In groups, discuss this with your classmates. These inventions help us in many ways in our daily lives. We may use them anytime, anywhere. They are very practical. 7 Look at the photos, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page 51. Then answer the questions below. zxXK Skimming means to read an article quickly to get its general idea. To skim an article, you should look at its introduction, title, sub-headings, photos or pictures, and the first and last sentences of each paragraph. Which invention is probably the greatest in history according to the article? 4 When was the first practical light bulb invented? 3 What did Alexander Graham Bell invent? 1 How do great inventions help people? The wheel. He invented one of the first practical telephones. In 1879. They help people live a better life. Skim the article again and answer the following questions. The wheel



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