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四级皮带运输机控制电路设计 摘 要 随着社会的不断进步和发展,人们对皮带运输机要求也越来越高,这就需要我们不断的改善和进步,以满足社会的需求。数控技术是现代机械行业的顶峰,正向着高速、高精度、安全性、稳定性的方向发展,不仅能够保证运输的安全性,同时还能保证使用的稳定性。根据人们对皮带运输机的使用要求,并结合数控技术的先进性,采用数控电路系统对皮带运输机控制电路的设计。 首先,确定出四级皮带运输机的电力拖动方案,以及传动方案。再以列出的电力拖动和传动方案的基础上,合理的选择出驱动电动机。其次根据电力拖动方案的要求,即四级运输机的控制要求,用经验设计法设计出电气控制线路,其中包括主线路和控制线路。然后根据设计出的电气控制电路,选择出合理的低压电器元件。最后以表格的形式列出所选低压电器元件的明细表。 关键词:拖动方案;主线路;控制线路;元件明细; Abstract Progresses unceasingly along with the society and develops, the people are also getting higher and higher to the belt conveyer request, this needs our unceasing improvement and the progress, satisfies social the demand. The numerical control technology is the modern mechanical profession crest, is turning toward, the high accuracy, the security, the stable direction to develop high speed, not can only guarantee that transportations security, meanwhile can guarantee the use the stability. According to the people to belt conveyers operation requirements, and unifies the numerical control technology the sophistication, uses the numerical control circuitry to the belt conveyer control circuits design. First, determines four level of belt conveyers electric drive plan, as well as transmission plan. Lists again electric drive and in transmission plan foundation, reasonable choice drive motor. Next according to the electric drive plans request, namely four level of transport aircrafts control requests, designs the electric control line with the empirical design law, including the main line and the control wiring. Then the basis designs the electric control electric circuit, chooses the reasonable low-voltage electrical apparatus part. Finally lists by the form form chooses the low-voltage electrical apparatus parts detailed list. key word: Keywords: Main line; Control wiring; Part detailed list; 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc293574554 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc293574554 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293574555 第1章 拖动方案的决定及电动机的选择 PAGEREF _Toc293574555 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293574556 1.1 拖动方案的决



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