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东北石油大学本科毕业论文 PAGE 东北石油大学 本科学生毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 合成氨合成工艺的现状 和发展趋势 学生专业: 化学工程与工艺 学生姓名: 胡斌 指导教师: 董群 2011年6月17日 摘 要 合成氨是重要的化工原料, 在国民经济中占有重要地位,本文在文献调研的基础上综述了合成氨设备、催化剂、合成氨工艺三方面的现状和未来发展趋势。在设备方面,通过对冷管型合成塔和绝热型合成塔新技术的综述和两种设备的对比,阐述了国内外合成氨设备的不同之处,及国内外合成氨设备的优劣,提出了国内合成氨设备的发展建议。 在催化剂方面,对合成氨催化剂研究进行了评述,综述了国内外氨合成催化剂的研究开发与进展, 进一步概括以光催化、电催化、酶催化以及金属氢化物催化在温和条件下合成氨的催化剂,并介绍了近年来新型铁系催化剂、钌基催化剂所取得的成就,并提出了未来合成氨催化剂发展的建议。 合成氨工艺方面,通过转化、变换、脱碳、合成四方面综合阐述了目前合成氨工艺技术的现状和发展趋势,介绍了近年来国内外合成氨工艺的新技术和工艺流程方面的新进展。 关键词:合成氨;新工艺;催化剂;合成塔 Abstract Ammonia is one of the most important chemical production,It has an important station in national economy. This article has summarized the ammonia synthesis by ammonia equipment, catalyze, and technology to describe the actuality and the future which based the literature disquisition. For the equipment through the difference of the cold tube compose tower and insulate compose tower, we can know which is better and it can also give some advice of the development for our country equipment. For the catalyze which tell the situation of the catalyzed development, integrated tale the development and the evolve of the world ammonia industry. By sum up the light catalyze, electricity catalyze, enzyme catalyze and metal hydride in the more gen geniality situation and introduce the new type of iron catalyze and ruthenium catalyze. Advance the advice of future development. For the technology, through the transform, commutation, decarburization and compose which tell the technology at present and development in future .introduce the new technology and the new development in technology flow. Key words: ammonia synthesis; new technology; catalyst; reactor PAGE I 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc296786880 第1章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc296786880 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296786881 第2章 合成氨装置的发展 PAGEREF _Toc296786881 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296786882 2.1 大型及中小型氮肥装置现状和未来发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc296786882 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296786883 2.2氨合成塔的发展和新工艺 PAGEREF _Toc2967


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