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Stylistics of Business Contracts;Contents ;合同的概念;商务合同的形式;1. 合同;2. 协议(协定);3. 订单;4. 议定书;5. 备忘录;6. 确认书;商务合同的语言特色;1. 定义条款;定义部分常用语 The following expressions shall have the following meanings unless otherwise expressly required. AA Leasing Co. New York (hereinafter called the Lesser) and BB Plant, Guangzhou(hereinafter called the Lessee) “Exclusive Territory” means the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Netherlands, Canada and Brazil. Buyer shall pay the Contract Price to Party B within sixty (60) days after the receipt of Party B’s invoice. (In this clause, Party B means AAB);2. 效力条款;This Contract is made out in both the Chinese and English languages, each in two originals and one original of each is held by Party A and Party B. in case of any discrepancies between the Chinese and English copy, the English copy shall govern. The Contract shall come into force after it has been approved by the examination and approval authority of China. The Appendices attached hereto are hereby made an integral part of this Contract and are equaly binding on both parties. ;3. 转让条款;4. 保证条款;5. 保密条款;6. 价格与付款条款;7. 解除条款;8. 终止条款;9. 违约处罚条款;10.不可抗力条款 ;11. 准据法;;Lexical features;1. Formal words;1. Formal words;;2. Archaisms;;3. Technical terms;All disputes in connection with this CONTRACT or the EXECUTIOM thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations. Where no settlement can be reached the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration. If the SELLERS are the plaintiff the arbitration shall take place in Stockholm. If the Buyers are the plaintiff the arbitration shall take place in Beijing and be conducted by the Arbitration Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Committee. Arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party.;4. Common words with specific meanings;Word Action Article Award Consideration Party Satisfaction ;5. Use of synonyms or


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