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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT18 大学生科研创新项目研究报告 项目名称: 微博商业广告影响研究 项目类型: 重点项目 项目年度: 2012年 项目负责人: 刘淼(学号:32011060107) 负责人院(系): 文化与传播学院 专业(方向): 广告学 项目组成员: 刘淼、王想 指导教师: 毛琦 教务处 制 二〇一二年 摘要 本项目主要通过调查问卷和案例分析的方式,了解微博广告分别对于受众、微博主(广告主)和微博媒介的影响,分析现阶段存在的微博广告形式的优点与缺点,从而挖掘微博广告的市场潜力,探索新的微博商业广告形式,促进其良性发展。微博是目前商业广告营销的最肥沃的土壤之一,并且还具有低成本和互动性强等其他广告形式所不具备的优点。它对受众的影响主要是增加品牌(产品)的知名度、美誉度以及拉近与受众的距离,但在实际购买行为上影响较小,且可信任度正在越来越为人所诟病。因此,微博商业广告的未来发展方向主要有两点:其一是微博主(广告主)开发新颖的微博广告形式,尤其注重运用互动性强这一特点,以人性化、“内敛”表达方式的软广告代替直白宣告式的硬广告,还可以与公益等具有正能量的活动联系起来,使受众从内心对品牌产生信任感,从而达到广告营销的目的;其二,微博媒介加强与微博主(广告主)的联系与合作,使媒介从原来只是一个广告发布平台的身份转型为微博广告发布的参与者、内容的审查者,实现多方共赢,共同促进微博商业广告的发展。 关键词:微博、广告、媒介、互动性、审查 Abstract The project mainly through questionnaires and case studies, analysis micro-blog forms of advertising the advantages and disadvantages, to tap micro-blog advertising market potential, explore new forms of commercial advertising micro-blog , and promote the development of micro-blog commercial advertisement . Micro-blog is one of the most fertile soil of advertisement, and also has a low cost and highly interactive , and other forms of advertising do not have the advantage . Its effect is to increase the audiences brand ( product ) visibility, reputation , and close the distance with the audience, but in less impact on actual purchase behavior and trustworthiness are being increasingly criticized. Therefore, the future development direction of micro-blog commercial advertising mainly has two points: One is the micro- bloggers ( advertisers ) to develop novel micro-blog forms of advertising , with particular emphasis on the use of highly interactive micro-blog, using introverted expression of soft advertising instead of straightforward declarative hard advertising , you can also have positive energy and public welfare activities such as linking to the audience from the heart of the brand a sense of trust , so as to achieve the purpose of advertising and marketing ; Second, micro-blog media strengthen micro- bloggers ( advert


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