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WORD完美资料编辑 PAGE 专业整理分享 WORD完美资料编辑 专业整理分享 OCA操作手册 OCA操作手册 Operating manual DataPhysics OCA Version 1.4, English Firmware-version from 1.11, Software-version from 1.2 Release: November 1999 All Rights, also of translation reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm or any other process) or be processed, multiplied or distributed by any electronic means without the prior written approval of DataPhysics. This does not affect the exceptions expressly stated in Ё 53, 54 UrhG. DataPhysics Instruments GmbH does not accept any kind of liability for technical or printing mistakes or defectiveness in this operating manual. We reserve the right to make changes to the content of this operating manual without prior announcement. The use of names, trade names, merchandise descriptions and such in this operating manual does not justify the assumption that such names may simply be used by anyone; often we are concerned with legally protected registered trademarks even if they are not marked as such. Text, graphics and layout Gerhard燤aier Printed in Germany ? Copyright DATE \@ yyyy2018 by DataPhysics Instruments GmbH, Filderstadt ? is a registered trademark of DataPhysics Instruments GmbH, Filderstadt ? IBM and IBM-PC are registered trademarks of International Business Machine Corporation ? Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation DataPhysics Instrument GmbH Raiffeisenstra遝 34 D-70794 Filderstadt phone ++49 (0)711-770556-0 fax ++49 (0)711-770556-99 email 目 录 前言 遵守条约 安全警告 详细安全提示 概要描述 关于本手册 应用 OCA系列的装置 测试方法和结果 安装及设置 概述 检查清单和发货单 OCA的安装 3.3.1 水平调节 计量针、计量单元的安装 标准样品台的安装 注射单元的安装 目镜测角仪的安装(OCA5/10) 电路连接 计算机的设置 软件的安装 操作说明 操作概述 OCA的使


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