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government public health program led by government for the well-being of the general public to fulfill the duty to tax payers Individual lead healthy lives a balanced diet regular physical exercise keep work leisure balance 5/8task 2 A Some people think schools should teach children the academic subjects and subjects like music and sports should not be taught. To what extent do you agree or disagree? academic skilllearn how to think critical thinking analytical skills logical thinking liberal arts study/extra-curricular activity well-rounded/open-minded person mental, physical and social health cooperation/collaboration/teamwork encounter real-life problem-solving scenario practical/hands-on knowledge 5/20task 2 A/G Some people think that children should grow up under strict parental control. While others argue that children should have freedom and be allowed to do the things they like in the childhood development. Discuss both views and give your opinion? styles of family parenting slow parenting democraticWestern parents stand back, merely supporting their children in doing what they want to do as independent individuals (but guiding them when the children are not developing healthy attitudes) authoritarian parenting totalitarianAsian restrictive, punitive(严厉的) style in which parents exhort (告诫) the child to follow their directions and to respect their work and effort. high expectations of conformity (顺从) and compliance (服从) to parental rules and directions, while allowing little open dialogue between parent and child. a natural childhood development advantages creative/innovative/imaginative exploiting of one’s talent better self-knowledge and self-esteem independent disadvantages lacking self-discipline forming of bad habit willful/rebellious/spoiled/self-centered 5/29task 2 A Many young people nowadays leave schools with negative attitudes towards learning. Why is this happening? What do you think should be done to encourage young people to hav


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