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隧道专业 十、隧道专业汉英英汉常用词汇 汉 英 部 分 PAGE 24 20号钢筋混凝土M 20 reinforced concrete H橡皮H-shaped rubber n值n-value T形钢板T-steel plate U形钢支撑U-shaped steel support X射线结构分析x-ray analysis of fabric; x-ray structure analysis A 安全safety 安全灯safety lamp 安全等级safety class 安全检查safety inspection 安全屏蔽safety screening 安全设备safety device; safety equipment 安全设施safety device; safety equipment 安全通道safety pathway; safety walkway 安全通路safety pathway; safety walkway 安全卫生管理体制safety and health control system 安全系数safety factor 安全巡查safety patrol 安全巡检safety patrol 安全巡逻车safety patrol car 安全闸emergency lock 安全炸药safety explosive; permitted explosive 安全装置safety apparatus; safety device 安装功率installed power 安装孔洞installation recess 安装图installation diagram; assembly diagram 安装位置installation place; mounting position 暗沟underdrain; blind ditch; blind drain 暗榫式对接straight joint 暗挖法under-cutting method; mining method 奥陶纪Ordovician B 扒碴机gathering loader 扒斗铲泥机slusher 白垩纪Cretaceous 白色涂料white plastering 摆动snake motion 搬运haulage; transport 板桩sheet pile 板桩尾部end of sheet pile 半断面half section 半盾构roof shield 半横向通风系统semi-transverse ventilation system 半机械开挖盾构semi-mechanized shield; semi-mechanical shield 半路堑式明洞part cut-type open cut tunnel 半球形垫板hemispherical washer 半深成岩hypabyssal rock 半圆头螺钉half-round screw; semi-round screw 半圆头螺栓half-round head bolt 半圆形弯钩semi-circular hook; 180o hook 拌浆机grout mixer 帮部tunnel wall; side wall 帮眼flank hole; reliever 包干合同lump sum contract 饱和度degree of saturation 保留金retention money; retention 报价单quotation 爆轰detonation 爆破blasting 爆破材料explosives; powder 爆破材料库magazine 爆破进尺blasting depth; blasting progress 爆破开挖excavation by blasting; conventional excavation 爆破模式blasting pattern 爆破母线leading wire; shot-firing cable; blasting cable 爆破影响blasting effect 爆破作业blasting operation 爆燃deflagration 爆炸气体explosive gas; fire damp 贝尔纳板Bernold sheet 贝尔纳衬砌法Bernold lining method 备选方案alternative; alternative proposal 背板back board; lagging board 背衬backing; back lining 背斜anticline 被动土压passive earth pressure 崩积斜坡colluvial slope


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