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教学设计 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section A 一、Teaching Aims (教学目标) 1. Knowledge and ability (知识与技能): 1)单词:panda, koala, Australia, friendly, cute, kind of 2)句型:Why do you like… ? Because they’re… Why does he/ she like…? Because they’re… 2. Process and method (过程与方法):展开各种任务活动,使学生能较熟练地谈论喜好及其原因。引导学生同步阅读,增强其运用语言获取更多信息的能力。 3.Moral attitude (情感态度和价值观):让学生描述自己喜欢的动物以及喜欢的原因,让学生爱护并保护动物。 4. Leaning strategy(学习策略): (1)Guessing. 通过猜测的游戏形式调动学生积极性,活跃课堂氛围。 (2)Acting. 通过对话表演的形式,可以培养学生运用语言的能力。 (3)Disscussion. 通过小组讨论, 明确在用中学、交流中学习的思想。 5、Cultural awareness(文化意识):通过图片了解动物,并唤起学生保护动物的意识。 二、Teaching Key Points(教学重点):words: flag, symbol, water, kill, ivory, danger,cut, save,Thailand. Reading skills,the using of words,phrases. 三、Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点):Phrases: be in great danger, cut down , get lost, one of ,be made of . The using of them and how to sum up the central meaning of each paragraph. 四:Teaching Aids:(教具):Music,pictures,cards 五、Teaching Methods(教学设计): Step1 Revision Let students guess what an animal is it in the picture.What animal is it ?Introduce the students a picture of zoo and the animals in it . The animals in this unit are very interesting. (Intention: by introducing the a famous zoo and the animals , students must be very interested in it. Some of them had gone a zoo before, they remember them and want to express their ideas and thought. At the same time ,they can quickly focus their attention on the topic . ) T: Do you like these the zoo and the animals? Ss: …… T: Do you want to know how to say them in English? T: Look at the picture do you know this animal? Ss: …… T: Yes, it is cat, we are all familiar with it. Lets see next picture, it is a tiger , it lives in forest, it is very brave and strong. It is the king of forest. T: Now, look at this picture, it is a T : (Intention: students can review the words about animals they have learnt before and I can introduce


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