初中英语Unit5 Section A 2d—3c .docx

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初中英语Unit5 Section A 2d—3c

Why do you like pandas 第二课时(Section A 2d—3c) 安淑平 教学目标要求 1.进一步掌握询问对方对动物的喜好并能简略回答此类问题,如:Do you like koalas? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 2.能够表达喜爱物并给出原因,如:I like koalas. Because they are cute. 3.掌握所学动物的英语名称,如:koala, elephant, panda等。 4.能够简单描述动物,如:Pandas are interesting. 等。 5.掌握表示动物特质的描述性形容词,cute, fun, lazy, interesting等。 6.能认读并能工整书写所学单词:koala, elephant, panda等。 7.能模仿录音正确朗读和表演2d对话。 _x000C_教学过程 活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用 1 复习已学目标语 Look at the picture and write down the animal names. 学生看图写出动物名称。 2 小组活动,回顾所学目标语。 Work in pairs and make conversations。 A: Let’s see the pandas first. B: Why do you like them? A: Because they are cute. 教师与一位学生做对话示范。 3 导入新课话题 Look at the picture.(出现小狗的图片) Well, What’s this? (A dog.) Yeah, it’s a dog. Do you like it? (Yes. / No.) 4 引入本课内容 Many people like to keep dogs, because dogs are cute and they can do many things. Look at the smart dogs. 1d 5 引导学生事先了解文章内容。 Does your family have pets? What pets? Can you describe them? 学生会说 I have a pet. It’s a cat. It’s white and black. It’s very lovely. 等等。 当学生觉得无话可说时,教师用提问的方式如What color is it? What’s its name? Can he run? Is it interesting? 等启发学生。 6 小组讨论,通过对话复习描述宠物。 Now work in pairs and talk about your pets, your friends’ pets, or the pets you want to keep. 学生两人一组就本人或家人、朋友等拥有的宠物进行描述(如本人或家人、朋友等没有宠物,可以让学生描述自己想拥有的宠物)。 教师巡视监督学生是否用英语表达,也可给学生提供词汇 帮助。 6 请几位同学给全班描述,如: My uncle has a pet. It’s a little dog. It’s black. Its name is Nick. It’s not scary because it’s very small. It’s very interesting. It likes eating meat very much. 7 阅读对话完成表格 Ask the students: Your family has lovely pets. But does Peter have a pet? What’s its name? What can he do? Does Jenny’s mother have a pet? What’s its name? What can she do? 学生阅读2d对话,完成表格 Now let’s check the answers. 8 通过朗读进一步熟悉课文。 Work in pairs and role play the conversations. 学生两人一组分角色朗读对话至熟练,再交换角色朗读对话至熟练 Now who can perform the conversation? 请几组同学给全班分角色朗读(也可要求程度好的学生在2d对话的基础上进行创造性的改编并表演) 9 朗读Grammar Focus, 掌握目标


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