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Unit 9 单元测试题 一.单项选择(每小题1分,?共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 (??? ) 16. —Is Steve’s cousin _______ artist? —Yes. He’s _______ good artist. A. an; an???? ?????? B. an; a??? C. a; a???? ????????? D. a; an? (??? ) 17. They put pictures of the lost boy _______ newspapers.? A. on ???? ???? ?????? B. at ????? ?? C. in???? ?????????? ?? D. with (??? ) 18. Linda is good at singing and she dreams of being a _______. A. worker ???? ?????? B. player ?????? ? C. driver???? ?????? D. singer (??? ) 19.?Alice, let’s go to the _______. I want to watch that new movie. A. restaurant????? B. cinema C. bank??? ????????? D. hospital (??? ) 20. Can you tell me another story, Mom? It’s boring to listen to _______ story. A. same???? ?????? B. the same? C. funny????? ???? D. the funny (??? ) 21. Jane, if you want to be _______, you can’t eat too much.??? A. tall???? ?????????? B. heavy?????? C. thin ? ? ? ? ? ? ?D. tidy (??? ) 22. I don’t know what to say. It’s difficult to _______ how I feel. A. describe??? ???? B. study??? C. write ? ? ? ? ? ? D. forget (??? ) 23. You’re _______ late today, Dale. Be early tomorrow. A. lot ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B. a lot??? C. little?????? ???? ? D. a little? (??? ) 24. They _______ playing basketball. Each of them _______ a basketball. A. like; have??????? ??? B. like; has??? C. likes; have?????? ??? D. likes; has???? (??? ) 25. —_______? —He’s heavy and has short curly hair. A. What does Joe do?? ?????? B. What does Joe like C. What is Joe doing????? D. What does Joe look like 二.?完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 I’m John, a middle school student. My eyes are brown. My hair is???26???too.? I am???27??, so my mom doesn’t let me have too much ice-cream???28???cola. I have to???29???the uniform on school days. On weekends, I usually wear a T-shirt and jeans. My???30???best friends are Bob and Molly. Bob is 13. He’s tall. He???31???near my house. We often do our homework together at his home. He’s very???32???and helps m


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