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元培学院外语系课程课件 英语视听 专 业:英语一年级上半学期 授课单位:英语系基础教研室 Tasks for Unit 7 Pre-Listening 2 3 Micro-listening Assignments 4 1 Teaching Focus Course Introduction Textbook Listen This Way : Book I Unit 7 This Way or That Way? Course Requirements Punctual Attendance Concentration in Class Active Participation in Class Activities Timely and Careful Correction of Assignment Teaching Focus The teaching focus of Unit 7 is the understanding of spatial relations and directional instructions. People often use “left” and “right” to give directions. To avoid ambiguity, words like east, west, north and south are sometimes used instead of “left” and “right” Task 2: Pre-listening Part I: warming-up exercises Task 3: Micro-Listening The understanding of the instructions showing the way must be accurate, otherwise , they will never be get to the right place. It is necessary to repeat the key words of the instructions and to take down some notes Listening Skills across from: 对面 be opposite to:对面 next to:旁边 block:街区 go along: 沿…走 Language Points Part II- Giving directions Task 3: Micro-Listening Language Points cross-roads: 十字路口 avenue: 路 terminus: 终点站 travel agency: 旅行社 art gallery: 画廊 Part IV – Automobiles in the USA Task 3: Micro-Listening Cultural Background Automobiles are to be blamed now and then. They not only use up a lot of energy but also produce severe pollution. So people are advised not to use their automobiles as often as they presently do. Car pools emerge as the time requires Language Points car pool: 共乘 gasoline:汽油 Part V – Reading Maps Task 3: Micro-Listening Language Points intersection: 十字路口 drugstore:药店 Jewelry store:珠宝店 Task 4: Assignments Task 1:Group work-giving directions from our school to train station, cinema, shoppingmall, Walmart and the Birth Place of Luxun Task 2: passage Dictation Task 4: Assignments Task 2: passage Dictation Passage One: Re-employment of Laid-off Workers Th


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