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1. June 1st is ____Day. All the Children enjoy it very much. A. Children B. Childrens’ C. Children’s D. Child 2. The two bedroom are the ____. A. twins B. twin’s C .twins’ D. twins C C 双重所有格 of +’s 或of+名词性物主代词。如: A book of my daughter’s 我女儿的一本书 我其中的一个朋友 One of my friends A friend of mine 5.如果事物为 2人或2人以上共同所有, 在最后一个名词后加-’s; 珍妮和海伦的房间 Jenny and Helen’s room 6.如果事物不是 2人或2人共同所有,而是分别有的,则在 2个名词 后都加-’s 珍妮的房间和海伦的房间 Jenny’s and Helen’s rooms 6. Lucy is ____ sister. A. Mary and Jack B. Mary’s and Jack’s C. Mary and Jacks D. Mary and Jack’s 重难点突破 D 7. 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体的等无生 命的东西,也可以加 -‘s 构成所有格 2小时路程 北京最好的公园 今日的报纸 two hours’ walk=two-hour walk Beijing’s best park today’s newspaper at my uncle’s = at my uncle’s home at a tailor’s = at a tailor’s shop 9. 表示类别的名词作定语,不用所有格 a silk hat cotton cloth a coffee cup 8. 表示某人的家、店铺、诊所时,常省略所有格 后面的名词 two months’ vacation a mile’s distance 8. It’s ____from our school to my home. A. ten minutes’ walk B. ten minute’s walk C. ten minute walk D. ten minutes walk 重难点突破 A 1 广东的省会 2 教室的门 3 我父亲的一个朋友 4 他的两个兄弟 5 爱迪生的一些发明 6 他弟弟的一张照片(照片属于他弟弟) 7 他弟弟的一张照片(照片里的人是他弟弟) the capital of Guangdong the doors of the classroom a friend of my father’s two brothers of his some inventions of Edison’s a picture of his brother’s a picture of his brother 名词的所有格 Practice ★名词的用法 1.修饰另一名词时,一般用单数 * There are three banana trees over there. 2. man woman用做定语时,应与后面的名词保持数的一致 *We need a man teacher. *They are all women workers. 3.sports,clothes做定语时,仍用复数形式 *a sports star *a clothes shop 重难点突破 小组讨论以下练习的答案并说明其原因 Our hospital needs two___doctors, Mrs. Li. You can ask your son to have a try. A. women B. man C.woman D. men D 1. The model plane was made by a ____ boy. A. ten-years-old B. ten-year-older C. ten-year-old


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