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哈尔滨工业大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 9页 摘 要 水是人类的生命之源。水污染危害人体健康、渔业和农业生产(通过被污染的灌溉水),也增加了清洁水供应的支出。水污染还会对生态系统造成危害--水体富营氧化以及动植物物种的损失。所以对水污染治理是势在必行的。本设计的内容就是哈尔滨地区A市的排水工程的设计。此排水工程项目的实施也可以使得A市的环境得到改善,通过处理污水使得进入到河流中的污染物减少,保护河流中的鱼类的生活环境,同时也可实现了水资源的再利用。同时也可以保证下游风景区的良好水质,给旅游来持续发展的条件,可以使得该市的经济保持可持续发展。 此设计主要根据A市的城市规划,地形条件,气候条件,河流的水文条件,依据排水管道系统的布置原则确定排水管网的平面设计,在保证排水安全通畅的前提下,使系统的造价最低。然后再根据生活污水的水量、水质条件及工业污水的水量以及受纳水体可接受的污染物的量确定污水的处理程度,进而确定污水处理工艺,并进行技术经济比较。设计的具体内容包括:排水管网扩初设计;污水泵站工艺设计;污水处理工艺设计;污泥处理工艺设计;排水管网和整个污水处理厂的工程概算;把一篇与污水处理有关的英语论文翻译成中文论文。 关键词:城市污水处理厂;A/A/O工艺; 脱氮除磷; 污泥处理 Abstract Water is described as the essential natural resources in people’s life. Water pollution is hazardous to human’s health, fishery and agriculture, (via pollutant of irrigative water) and increasing the cost of supplying pure water. Water pollution also can be harmful to ecosystem, results in eutrophication and decreasing species of animal and plant It is imperative to control water pollution. This project is the sewage system of A city in Qiqihar district. This project can improve the environment of A city .Water disposal decrease the water pollutant in river, protect the habitation of fish in river and recycle water resource. This project ensure good quality of beauty spot in lower reaches of the river and the condition of tour’s persistent development .At the same time, this project also can ensure sustainable economical development. The basis of this project includes city planning of A city, topographical condition, geological condition. According to the rule of laying sewage drainage system the style of drainage system is designed. The safe and smooth of drainage system is prerequisite for the lowest cost of the project. Thinking of domestic wastewater flow, domestic wastewater quality, industrial wastewater flow, industrial wastewater quality and the pollutant that the receiving water can receive, I calculate the degree of wastewater disposal, and correctly choose sewage treatment process At last


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