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《I’m watching TV.》教学设计 王绍杰 教材依据:人教版七年级下册第五单元《I’m watching TV.》Section A Period1 设计思想 本单元的话题是谈论谁正在干什么。要求通过学习有关的短语及句型掌握现在进行时的定义及用法,因此,我设计了通过老师及学生做某些动作而导入新的时态的方式。这样学生很自然得就将明白了这个单元将要讨论的话题。对于教材的使用我设计将活动通过小组合作及表演练习的方式对所学的新句型进行理解应用。一方面使所有学生都有机会进行说的练习,另一方面也使学生在问答的过程中能及时纠正错误,尤其是前忘不be后加ing . 在教学过程中,关注学生的生活实际和生活体验,树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践、独立思考、合作探究,从而实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。 教学分析 本节课围绕着一个话题“谈论现在正在进行或发生的动作”来展开教学活动,主要的教学内容是现在进行时。本节课紧扣教材,而又脱离课本,重新对教材进行编排。先通过描绘图片中人们的活动来学习词汇: doing homework,?watching TV,?cleaning, reading,?eating dinner,?talking on the phone……并通过问答“人们正在做什么”来学习句型:What are you doing?? I’m watching TV .?? 并用同桌合作的方式进一步加强句型的操练。然后通过听力训练和写作训练来加强练习和巩固。 教学目标 1.Knowledge Objects: (1) New words and phrases (2) Present progressive tense 2.Ability Objects: To freely talk about or learn about what they are doing 3.Moral Objects To be friendly to everyone! 教学重点 1.Key Vocabulary 2.Present progressive tense: Subject +be+doing +… 教学难点 To master the usage of Present progressive tense: Subject +be+doing +… 教学方法 Listening writing reading practicing playing games 辅助工具 Ppt tape pictures 教学课时安排 一课时 教学过程 Step1: Warming up and lead-in (1). I show a basketball and say: look, I like playing basketball. I’m playing basketball now.(I make the action of playing basketball) T: I’m talking now. I’m running. When I make the actions,I ask some students to guess the meaning of the sentences. (通过老师边做动作边说句子,引出本课的内容,且让学生明了现在进行时的句子构成及表达的意思,还能引起学生对本课的兴趣。) Step 2. Match the words and the activities. I show the pictures in 1a.Then, I ask questions: What’s he doing??(Picture 1) He’s making a telephone call. Ask the students to turn to page 25.Ask and answer just like that, and finish 1a.(Ss can guess the meaning of doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner and reading.) The Ss read these V-ing words after the teacher. Tell the difference Write down the V-ing forms by another lines of go, watch, do, play and eat. Ask the Ss to have a look and find the difference between them. For exam


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