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WORD 格式 整理 学习 参考 资料 分享 2013届毕业设计说明书 基于struts2的网上书店系统 院 、 部: 计算机与信息科学学院 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 班 级: 完成时间: 2013年6月 学习 参考 资料 分享 摘 要 随着网络的不断发展,电子商务平台的不断增多,人们的购物方式变得方便快捷。在这种情况下,从网上购买书籍需求也变得非常强烈。因此,开发一套完善的图书管理系统就成不可少了。 本文基于面向对象开发技术[1],详细阐述了网上书店系统的设计与实现过程,该系统采用MySQL数据库,tomcat作为网络应用服务器,在MyEclipse开发环境下面采用html、javascript、css、jquery等技术控制前台界面设计,是一个基于jsp技术和当前主流的MVC框架ssh(spring+struts+hibernate)开发的电子商务网站。 本系统主要实现用户在网上购买书籍的过程,用户可以在网站上面注册用户后登录网站并购买书籍,登录状态下的用户可以对个人的基本信息、登录密码以及订单进行管理。做到让用户可以不用去书店就能方便快捷的买到自己理想的书籍,享受读书的快乐。 关键词:网上书店;MySQL;SSH;jsp;java Abstract With the continuous development of Internet, e-commerce platform, increasing people become convenient way of shopping. In this case, from online buy books demand also become very strong. Therefore, develop a set of perfect books management system management system as necessary. Based on the object-oriented development technology, this paper expounds the design and implementation of online bookstore system, the system USES the MySQL database, tomcat as a web application server, using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery at the front desk interface design techniques such as control under the MyEclipse development environment, is an MVC framework based on JSP technology and the current mainstream SSH (struts + spring + hibernate) development of e-commerce sites. This system mainly realizes the user in the process of buying books online, the user can login web site after registered users on site and buy books, user can login state for the basic personal information, password and manage orders. Do let users dont have to go to a bookshop can be convenient to buy books to his ideal, to enjoy the pleasure of reading. Key words: Online bookstore;MySQL;SSH;JSP;java 学习 参考 资料 分享 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc358469888 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc358469888 \h 1 H


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