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egg caterpillar cocoon butterfly A caterpillar comes out of an . He is very . He looks for some . He eats some from Monday to Friday, and he eats a lot on . He’s got a , so he eats a green and he feels . Now he is a and caterpillar. He makes a and becomes a beautiful . tiny egg hungry food fruit Saturday stomach ache leaf better big fat cocoon butterfly Can you give a brief story? (你能完成这个简短的故事吗?) 绘本阅读课 ——上海育才小学 Picture Reading lesson colour Food animal insect 30’’ Non-stop talking 小组内说属于这一类的单词, 30 秒内尽量不要间断、不要重复哦! What insects do you like? A caterpillar Do you like the caterpillar? Why or why not? Soft? Beautiful? Small? ugly? lovely? 发挥你的想象力,给故事起一个精彩的名字吧! Give the book a name! The very ? caterpillar Do you have any questions about this hungry caterpillar? Enjoy reading 享受阅读第1步:带着问题进入故事。 The very hungry caterpillar One Sunday morning the warm sun comes up and –pop!- out of the egg comes a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He starts to look for some food. In the light of the moon, a little egg lies on a leaf. The very hungry caterpillar Now he isn’t hungry any more---and he isn’t a little caterpillar any more. He is a big, fat caterpillar. Guess! What happened? (根据前后文猜一猜发生了什么呢?) Enjoy reading 享受阅读第2步:带着想象预测故事。 … The caterpillar goes to buy some food? The caterpillar’s mother feeds(喂) him every day? The caterpillar meets a boy who gives him a lot of food? Or ...? The caterpillar eats and eats… Guess the meaning of the new words from the pictures and context. 借助图片及上下文理解生词。 Enjoy reading 享受阅读第3步:带着好奇理解内容。 What does he eat? (读图片及文字内容,了解毛毛虫都吃了些什么) Guess how to read the new words by the syllables. 通过拼读音节猜测生词读音。 Enjoy reading 享受阅读第3步:带着好奇理解内容。 one pickle (酱黄瓜) one slice of Swiss cheese (一片瑞士奶酪)


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