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资料 The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare Katherina (Kate) Minola – the shrew of the title Bianca – sister of Katherina; the ingénue Baptista Minola – father of Katherina and Bianca Petruchio – suitor of Katherina Gremio – elderly suitor of Bianca Lucentio – suitor of Bianca (spends some of play disguised as Cambio, a Latin tutor) Hortensio – suitor of Bianca and friend to Petruchio (spends some of the play disguised as Litio, a music tutor) Grumio – HYPERLINK /wiki/Domestic_worker \o Domestic worker servant of Petruchio Tranio – servant of Lucentio (spends some of the play disguised as Lucentio) Biondello – servant of Lucentio Vincentio – father of Lucentio A Widow – wooed by Hortensio A Pedant – pretends to be Vincentio A HYPERLINK /wiki/Haberdasher \o Haberdasher Haberdasher A Tailor Curtis – servant of Petruchio 20s-3min30s 醉汉老婆: A pair of stocks, you rogue! 蓝色衣服男士: Grim death, how foul and loathsome is thy visage. 仆人:Sirs, I will practice on this drunken man. (仆人与男士窃语) (抬起醉汉扔到床上) (俩仆人窃语) 醉汉: For God’s sake, a pot of small ale! 仆人1: Your honour 仆人2:Your lordship 醉汉:Call me not ‘honour’, nor ‘lordship’. Am I not Christopher Sly, old Sly’s son of Burton Heath? 灰色衣服男士: Thou art a lord and nothing but a lord. 仆人1: These fifteen years you have been in a dream. 醉汉: These fifteen years! By my fay, a goodly nap! Upon my life I am a lord indeed! 矮个子男士: Your doctors thought it good you hear a play and frame your mind to mirth and merriment. 醉汉: Well, we’ll see it. Baptista Minola :Gentlemen, importune me no farther For how I firmly am resolved you know- That is, not to bestow my youngest daughter Before I have a husband for the elder. (Katherine闯进) Baptista Minola :If either of you both love Katherine. Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure. 秃头男士: To cart her rather! She’s too rough for me! Katherine:I pray you, sir, it your will to make a stale of me among these mates? 戴帽子男士: ‘Mates’ maid? No mates for you Unless you were of gentler, milder moul


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