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毕业设计论文 快餐运营管理方案 徐浩然学生姓名: 学号: 1311212125 计算机技术与工程学院 徐浩然 计算机技术与工程学院 系 名: 专 业: 电子商务 孙悦指导教师: 孙悦 2016年 4 月 摘 要 随着社会的不断向前发展,人们的生活质量不断提高,使得人们的消费水平也不断提升。现如今人们进入各大饭店消费的次数也在不断增加,为了提高饭店的竞争力,各大饭店从多方面来提升自己的服务水平。经过走访发现当下很多饭店,在中午及晚餐时间段,由于顾客较多,饭店服务员及桌位有限,使得顾客到店经常需要排队等待,并且只有在进入饭店入座后才能点餐。有时顾客等待时间过长,会有选择其他饭店的现象,这对于饭店的竞争力是非常不利的。所以笔者开发了Android手机终端点菜系统,借由这种新型方式提高餐饮业的竞争力,这种点菜系统使人们到达饭店后可以及时点菜,当顾客入座后即可就餐,提高了饭店为顾客服务的速度和质量,为消费者和饭店都提供了便捷的服务。另外,这种点菜系统给人们带来了新鲜感,使其能更好的享受酒店餐饮的服务。为适应市场的需求,研究和开发一款基于Android手机终端点菜系统是非常必要和迫切的。 本文阐述了Android美食外卖系统设计与实现过程,本软件是用当下流行的android操作系统开发的,利用Android SDK、Eclipse搭建集成开发环境,JAVA语言编写系统功能模块,并采用轻便的SqLite数据库来存储相关信息,由此开发出一套完整的点菜系统,Android手机终端点菜系统包括顾客的登录注册、菜谱的查询、点餐、发送订单等功能。 关键字:美食外卖,Android,信息技术,MySQL. Abstract With the continuous development of society, peoples life quality rise ceaselessly, make peoples consumption level is also rising. Nowadays the number of people entering the hotel consumption is also increasing, in order to improve the competitiveness of the hotel, the hotel in many ways to improve their service level. After visiting found the many restaurants, at noon and dinner time, because the customer is more, the hotel waiter and limited table, allows customers to shop often need to wait in line, and only after entering the restaurant table to order. Sometimes the customer waiting time is too long, there will be a choose other hotel phenomenon, this is very adverse to the competitiveness of the hotel. So the author developed the Android mobile terminal order system, by this new way to improve the competitiveness of the industry, this kind of order system make people arrived at the hotel can in time order, when repast, after the customer table to improve the speed and quality of hotel service for the customer, and hotel provides convenient service for consumers. In addition, this kind of order system brings the freshness, make its can b


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