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free PSA临床应用 u????? 正常参考范围(Roche Elecsys系统):(单位:ng/ml) tPSA cut-off(free/total) sensitivity specificity 2-20 0.23 90% 63% 2-20 0.19 82% 82%? 建议各实验室建立自己的正常参考范围 注意事项 由于直肠指检(DRE)会造成前列腺管上皮细胞挤压或破坏时,导致PSA增高,造成PSA检测假阳性。因此进行PSA检测时,必须在直肠指检前抽取血液样本。 如果已经行DRE检查,则需等1周后再检测PSA。 正确的肿瘤标记物的应用可以减少侵入性的诊断方法对于人体的损伤 谢谢 * For diagnostic purposes, the CEA findings should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination and other findings. For diagnostic purposes, the NSE findings shouldalways be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination and other findings. Tissue found predominantely in brain, lungs and nerves will release NSE upon injury or malignant transformation. Strictly speaking, CA 15-3 is not tumor-specific. CEA should be determined in addition to CA 19-9, as the complementary behaviour of CEA increases the sensitivity in pancreatic carcinoma. In addition CEA is useful for the detection of distant metastases. For diagnostic purposes, the PSA findings should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination and other findings. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland, which surrounds the initial part of the male urethra. During ejaculation it releases a milky secretion, which is added to the sperm. In elder men the prostate tends to enlarge (hypertrophy), eventually constricting the urethra to an extend as to make urinating virtually impossible. Also, in advanced age the prostate is susceptible to the formation of tumors, which may benign (adenoma) or malignant (carcinoma). Treatment of prostatic tumors is usually done by administering hormones or by surgery, often removing the complete gland (radical prostatectomy). * 肿瘤标记物的临床应用 东院检验科 闫 俊 平 顺位 死亡原因 死亡率 (1/10万) 构成 (%) 1 恶性肿瘤 166.97 27.12 2 心脏病 121 19.65 3 脑血管病 120.79 19.62 4 呼吸系统疾病 73.02 11.86


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