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团 队 合 作 Work Teams:An Introduction ; 作家Michael Novak在描写篮球队时说,队员们以一定的游戏形式、节奏和较高的速度运动着,我们不能只看到一个一个的球员,而应看到的是整个球队的活动。 The author Michael Novak,in writing about basketball teams,says that they move in patterns,in rhythms and at high speed.He says don’t look at one individual only,but at the team acting together. ;培训目标/Learning Objectives 组织中的工作团队特点/Explain the popularity of work teams in organization 工作群体与工作团队的区别/Contrast work groups with work teams 建立高绩效团队/High-performing work teams ; 内容/Outline 什么是团队?什么是群体?/Definition:-Work teams; Work groups 公司团队与工作群体/Company work teams and work groups 成功团队特征/Characters of successful work teams 演练/Exercises ; 工作团队与工作群体比较 Comparing Work Teams and Work Groups ; (图示1/Figure 1) 工作团队/Work Teams 工作群体/Work Groups 集体绩效 目标 信息分享 Collective Performance Goal Share Information 积极的 协作 中立的(有时有负作用) Positive Synergy Neutral(Sometimes Negative) 个人的和共同的 责任 个人的 Individual and Mutual Accountability Individual 互补的 技巧 随机和变化的 Complementary Skills Random and Varied; 通过共同努力,实现团队协作 A work team generates positive synergy through a coordinated effort ;工作群体/Work group 群体主要是通过信息分享、做出决策,来帮助群体成员完成他自己的本职工作。 A group that interacts primarily to share information and to make decision that will help each group member perform within his or her area of responsibility. ;工作团队/Work Team 团队通过集体的协调努力工作,进行积极的协作 A group that engages in collective work that requires joint effort and generates a positive synergy. ; 传统管理的弊端 Some Areas of Weakness ——Traditional Management Styles;1、指挥与控制/Dictatorial Controlling 2、从上而下(完全或大部分)/Top down(Completely or mostly) 3、缺少反馈机制(或无人听)/Lack of feedback mechanisms(or not listened to) 4、重阶层而非能力/Hierarchical,not meritocracy 5、不恰当的解释/Inadequate explanations 6、缺少可度量的目标/Lack of m


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