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23 3 Vol. 23, No. 3 2007 9 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Sep. , 2007 : 1007- 0 9( 2007) 03- 0113- 07 朱 彤 周 晶 林 皋 马恒春 (, 11 024) : , , 45m 180m , , , : ; ; ; ; : P315 : A R esearch on dynam ic structuralm odel tests of ch im neys ZHU Tong ZHOU Jing LIN Gao MA H eng-chun ( Schoo l ofC ivil andHydraulic Engineering, Dalian University ofT echnology, Dalian 11 024, China) Abs tract: It is a long-term issue in earthquake engineering that the response and failuremechan ism of chmi neysun- der earthquake are stud ied. An mi portant and available research m ethod for high tow ering structure is to do model test. In th is paper some researchw ork has been done by the dynam ic tests of the structuralmodels of the chmi neys w ith 45m h igh and 180m h igh. Some mi portant results have been gotten after the testingw ork. The resu lts are pro- vided significant data for studying the long lmi e issue. K ey w ord s: chmi ney structure; dynam ic model test; smi ilarity specmi en; distribution of dynam ic stress; form of rupture 1 , 100m 200m, , , , [ 1~ 9] , , , , , , , [ 1, 2, 5] , , () : 2007- 03- 1 ; : 2007- 05- 17 : ( 1957- ), , , . 114 23 2 , (), : 4m, 3m; 10t; + ; 7. 5cm, 5cm; 1. 0g, 0. 7g; 0~ 70Hz; MTS 20 90 4 9D; 58 - 450W inbook- 233 , YD- 21, YD - 70BSD - 15B A /D- D /A , ( D igital Sig- 1 nal Processor System DSP) 1 3 , #


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