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應用聲波都卜勒流速計於渠道實驗之量測 陳樹群(1) 王敦儀(2) 嚴曉嘉(3) 摘要 室內水工結構物周圍流場之觀測,早期因儀器多為接觸式測量,影響流場結構而無法準確量測,近年在流場變動細微或者需要精確觀測流場變動程度時,開始以光學儀器(如雷射都卜勒流速儀)觀測之,但在水流含砂、或者雜質較多的情形下,光學儀器易受到水中懸浮粒子之阻擋而影響其精確性。為兼顧量測簡便、高精確性,減少儀器接觸水流影響,又需克服水中懸浮粒子的影響,在近期的研究中,聲波都卜勒流速計(Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter ,簡稱ADV) 逐漸普遍利用於實驗室中,研究不同流況下水流特性。本研究則利用ADV 量測水流通過剛性與彈性障礙物時流速剖面的變化,從中瞭解ADV 對於渠槽實驗之適用性及其可延伸應用之處。實驗結果可知渠槽實驗中使用ADV 量測流速,由ADV 需高雜訊比的設計,可無視水中泥沙等雜質之干擾,準確量測流速及其隨時間與空間之細微變化,亦可根據完整的量測數據經由進一步分析得知水流紊動強度,對於渠槽之定床或動床實驗,皆有優良之適用性。( 關鍵詞:音波都卜勒流速計、渠槽實驗、流速剖面、雜訊比 ) Application of Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter in Flume Experiments Su-Chin Chen(1) Den-Yi Wang(2) Shiao-Chia Yen(3) Department of Soil and Water Conservation,National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan 402. R.O.C. Abstract Flow investigation around hydro-structure was difficult to precisely measure because the velocimeters have to contact the flow and disturb the flow field incipiently. Recently investigators started to use the optical instruments to measure the tiny change of flow. However, if there were too many suspended particles in flow, high signal noise rate makes the optical instruments inaccurately. In order to keep accuracy and convenience, reduce the influence of disturbing the flow field, and avoid the interference with suspended particles, the Acoustic-Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) has been utilized in the laboratory to investigate the flow characteristics under various flow condition. In this study, we used ADV to survey the difference of velocity profile when flow came by the different types of obstruction, so that we can find the (1) 國立中興大學水土保持學系教授 (2] 國立中興大學水土保持學系博士生 (3) 國立中興大學水土保持學系碩士生 133 水土保持學報 39 (2) :133- 141 (2007)Journal of Soil and Water Conservation , 39 (2) :133- 141 (2007) applicability of ADV in flume experiments. According to the experiment results, we have found that using ADV to measure the flow velocity is helpful in flume experiments, because it can overleap the interference of the sediment and accurately measure the tiny change


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