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资料 . 考研英语小作文 分值:小作文 (100字)10分 小作文类型:感谢信(thanks),祝贺信(congratulation),道歉信(apology),邀请信(invitation) 倡导信(建议信)(suggestion); 投诉信(complaint),询问信(inquiry)请求信(require)婉拒信(decline),求职信(application),推荐信(recommendation),公告(notice)备忘(memo), 小作文格式:二三原则1.二个逗号;2.三个段落; 二逗号:称呼后,署名后 三段式:首段说明写信意愿和目的+第二段展开内容+末端呼应首段,再一次强调写信用意,并表达祝愿。 小作文格式注意事项: 称呼的格式:Dear Sir, Dear Madam Helen, Dear John, Dear Professor Smith, 男士:Mr. 女士:Mrs./ Ms./Miss 教授、博士:Prof./Dr. 市长,法官,议员,其他高官:Hon.(Honorable,尊敬的) 编辑:Editor 不清楚对方姓名:Dear Sir/Sirs, Dear Madam/Madams, Dear Sir or Madam, To Whom It May Concern, 3. 署名的格式:右下角,Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Sincerely, 4.正文开头空四格 A letter of Congratulations Dear Jack, I am so delighted to hear that you have just been admitted into the prestigious Peking University. Please accept my heartiest congratulations to you! This is a special moment for you and all the friends as well as relatives, and I do want to share the happiness with you. After years of hard and creative work and study, you have finally got what you really deserve. I’m convinced that this will be a new beginning, a chance for you to embrace a broader future. I wish you good luck and keep pursuing a brighter future. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 小作文内容注意事项: 娓娓道来+洗耳恭听 晓之以理+声泪俱下 画龙点睛+无路可退 例: Dear Teacher Zhang, I’m one of your millions of students, I came to attend your English class last week, in which I acquired much information about writing skills. In the meantime, I learned another more important thing by accident. I may be shot by a magic arrow. I can’t help recalling the beautiful moment at which you came into my sight. You were wearing a gracious dress, w


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