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7 3 () Vo.l 7 No. 3   2007 9 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERSITY(ENG INEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDITION )  Sep, 2007 从数值解浅析热传导方程的精确解 1 2 2 黄庆宏, 张 敏, 许 彬 (1. , 210042;2. , 210094) [] . , . , , 3, , . [] , , [] TK 124 [] A  [] 1672-1292(2007)03-0040-04 Analyzing Exact Solutions ofH eat Conduction Equations by ComparingW ith Num erical Solutions 1 2 2 H uang Q inghong , Z hang M in, X u B in (1. School of Pow er Engin eering, Nanjing Norma lUni ersity, N anjing 210042, Ch ina; 2. College of Pow er Engin eering, Nanjing Uni ersity of Science and Technology, N anjing 210094, Ch ina) Abstrac:t It is an mi portant method that the exact solutions of the heat conduction equations test the correctness of the num erical solutions. M eanwh ile, the sam e mi portan t is to use the numerical solutions analyzing the exact solu tions for perfect resu lts. The heat conduction equation w as sol ed using based cell finite olum em ethod and the secondary order upw ind schem e in structu red m esh. Th ree examp les are gi en show ing up the deficiency of the exact solution of the classical heat conduction equation in the paper. And, the in ternal relation and the com plem entarities bewt een the exact and the num erical solutions are discussed. K ey words:numerical solutions, exact solutions, heat conduction equation 1 基本导热方程 , . , , . , : 1 Γ F (x ) +S =0, (1) f (x i ) xi


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