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PAGE PAGE 4 九年级英语动词适当形式填空用专项练习?? 一 动词应用:阅读下面短文,用文中括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 It’s easy for people to 1 (catch) cold in winter or spring . But we can also do a lot 2 (stay) healthy. Here is some advice. Wash your hands often, and it will stop germs(细菌) 3 (pass) from one person to another. 4 (not use) your hands when coughing. Use a tissue(纸巾), and then throw it away at once. Turn your head away from people near you when you 5 (cough)(咳嗽). Get some fresh air. Germs like staying in wet and warm room. So you’d better 6 (keep) your window open at night when you are sleeping, or you 7 (not have) enough fresh air. If flu (流感) is going around your house or school, you should 8 (try) to stay away from those who 9 (be) ill. Remember 10 (boil) your towel (毛巾) for about a minute to kill germs. Keys:1. catch 2. to stay 3. passing 4. Don’t use 5. are coughing\ cough6. keep 7. won’t have 8. try 9. are 10. to boil 二 Many students ask for HYPERLINK "file:///C:\\Program%20Files\\NSE\\NSE-JH8A\\template\\normal\\temp4.html" \l "#" advice about 1_____ (improve) their English. There are three HYPERLINK "file:///C:\\Program%20Files\\NSE\\NSE-JH8A\\template\\normal\\temp4.html" \l "#" basic questions. The first question is about real English. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, "I HYPERLINK "file:///C:\\Program%20Files\\NSE\\NSE-JH8A\\template\\normal\\temp4.html" \l "#" enjoy2 ______ (watch) English films and3 _____ (listen) to real English songs. But HYPERLINK "file:///C:\\Program%20Files\\NSE\\NSE-JH8A\\template\\normal\\temp4.html" \l "#" it takes a long time. What do you think?" This is a great way to learn English! Talk about the film or song with your friends, and HYPERLINK "file:///C:\\Program%20Files\\NSE\\NSE-JH8A\\template\\normal\\temp4.html" \l "#" guess the 4_____ (mean) of the new words. HYPERLINK "file:///C:\\Program%20Files\\NSE\\NSE-JH8A\\template\\normal\\temp4.html" \l "#" Just HYPERLINK "file:///C:\\Program%20Files\\NSE\\NSE-JH8A\



