I Hear America Singing英文诗歌鉴赏.pptVIP

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I Hear America Singing英文诗歌鉴赏

American poet, essayist ,journalist, and humanist The father of free verse Main article: Leaves of Grass I Hear America Singing ——Walt Whitman Americas first poet of democracy (18195-1892) Whitman wrote in the preface to the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass, The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as affectionately as he has absorbed it. Leaves of Grass A fluid form which conforms to no set rules of traditional versification. The free in free verse refers to the freedom from fixed patterns of meter and rhyme, but writers of free verse employ familiar poetic devices such as assonance, alliteration, imagery, caesura, figures of speech, etc., and their rhythmic effects are dependent on the syllabic cadences emerging from the text. The term is often uesd in its French language form, vers libre. Free verse(自由体诗) My reflection each person is important to socisity. each person is needed for the various trades that make the country run smoothly. uplifting and positive. each person is unique, but united . freedom I Hear America Singing ——Walt Whitman Main idea It presents the picture of the Americans who from all occupations are singing for their work Tone Cheerful , happy, optimistic Language Simple and even rather crude; Have a tendency to oral English Appreciation Appreciation Diction Nouns: mechanics, mason, work, deckhand, shoemaker, hatter, woodcutter, ploughboy, and mother. Verbs: measure, make, singing, sit, stand, sewing, washing Phrases blithe and strong delicious singing, and strong, melodious songs The image People: happy ,strong, proud, confident, hard-working Country: peaceful, productive, promising Appreciation Appreciation Whitmans attitude is uplifting and positive. Whitman praises the work values and ethics of the American people From urban to rural, from sea to land, creative labor exists everywhere, which is the core of American dream. The poem consists of Whiteman’s all con



